
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kyiv celebrate Memorial Day of Grand Prince Vladimir of Kyiv

July 28 in Ukraine the first time celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Prince Vladimir - Baptist of Kyivan Rus', and Day of the Baptism of Kyivan Rus' - Ukraine. On this occasion the capital will held celebrations. Especially because this year marks the day in 1000 repose prince of Kyiv.

Participation in events will be representatives of Christian denominations. For their participation will meet with famous theologians, round tables and seminars.

Christian churches and organizations will hold a solemn prayer service and other religious ceremony to commemorate the Great Prince Vladimir of Kyiv.

In secondary and higher educational institutions, libraries, schools of aesthetic education and youth clubs held thematic discussions, lessons, lectures, educational classes, conferences, involving scientists, government officials, clergy and public seminars, workshops, book exhibitions aimed at building the youth a sense of respect for the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people.

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