
Friday, July 24, 2015

Elysee Palace reveals details of 'Normandy Four' talks

The leaders of the “Normandy Four” countries held a telephone conversation, during which the arrangements on security, political, humanitarian and energy issues were reached.
This is said in the statement released by the Elysee Palace after the talks of the “Normandy Four” leaders.
"President [Francois Hollande] and German Chancellor [Angela Merkel] held the telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the situation in eastern Ukraine and implementation of the package of measures adopted in Minsk on February 12, 2015," reads the statement.
In particular, "the leaders of the four countries mentioned the agreements reached by the relevant working group in Minsk on withdrawal of tanks and light artillery at the distance of 15 km on both sides of the contact line."

"As for the area around Shyrokyne [Donetsk region], the four leaders took note of the objections of representatives of the separatist forces and appealed to the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission and the experts of the Joint Center on Control and Coordination of issues related to the ceasefire regime to find practical solutions for withdrawal of Ukrainian troops and deployment of the OSCE SMM in this area, starting from August 3," reads the statement.
In terms of humanitarian issues, the leaders of the four countries welcomed the decision to launch projects to restore wastewater treatment plants and water supply systems as well as to repair the railway link for coal transportation.
Discussing political issues, the “Normandy Four” leaders welcomed the intention of the parties to discuss the issue of local elections and regime of decentralization within the working group responsible for political matters on July 28. They stressed the importance to maintain a single date for the organization of local elections throughout Ukraine, including certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
Finally, the four leaders agreed on the need for early finalization and approval of the next package of gas agreements.

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