
Friday, July 31, 2015

Constitutional Court approves transitional provision of Constitutional amendments on special local self-governance in Donbas

Ukraine's Constitutional Court has confirmed that a proposed bill on decentralizing power in the country meets the requirements of Articles 157 and 158 of the Ukrainian Constitution.
The court came to its decision on July 30 and made its conclusions public on Friday.
"A systemic analysis of the bill drives to the conclusions…that the offered amendments don't foresee cancelation or restriction of rights of a person or a citizen…The Constitutional Court makes this conclusion: 1) to accept a draft on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine on the decentralization of power (No. 2217-a), which amends items 29, 30, Part 1 of Article 85; item 16 of Part 1 Article 92; and item 1 of Article 106, Articles 118, 119; item 5 of Article 121; Articles 132, 133, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144; Part 1 of Article 150; sections IX and section XV 'Transitional Provisions', which meet the requirements of Articles 157 and 158 of the Constitution of Ukraine," Constitutional Court judge Vasyl Bryntsev said.

He said that the bill isn't aimed at "the liquidation of the independence or violation of Ukraine's territorial integrity."
"The decision of the Constitution Court is final and isn't subject to an appeal," said.
Bryntsev stressed that the conclusions were signed by every judge of the court, however some judges expressed dissenting opinions.

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