
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

CHF 13 mln in higher economic court judge's accounts abroad frozen - watchdog

The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, jointly with the Liechtenstein Financial Intelligence Unit, has identified five companies registered in Panama and Liechtenstein and owned by a judge of the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine with accounts in banks in Liechtenstein and Latvia used for the accumulation of assets of dubious origin for a long period of time, the press service of Ukraine's State Financial Monitoring Service has reported.
"It has been established that the joint beneficial owners and/or authorized persons in accounts opened in a bank in Liechtenstein are an acting judge of the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine, and his wife. During the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, the judge held the position of a vice-chairman of the Higher Economic Court Ukraine," the press service said.

One of the accounts of the company whose beneficial owner and authorized person is the judge's wife was frozen on July 28, 2015 due to measures taken by the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine jointly with the Liechtenstein Financial Intelligence Unit and the Prosecutor's Office of Liechtenstein, under a ruling of a court in Vaduz, the capital of Lichtenstein.
"The total amount of arrested funds is CHF 13.1 million," the press service said.

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