
Saturday, June 27, 2015

We will do everything to ensure security of the state

Ukraine has never had such a great authority and support in the international arena. We are doing everything to ensure security of the state, the President said commenting on the decision made by the EU Council of Foreign Ministers and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe this week.

Speaking of the anniversary of the Association Agreement in the course of the interview to "Inter" TV channel, the President emphasized that a year ago not only the Agreement was signed, but also the decision on sanctions against Russia was made by the EU after the unprecedented speech of the Ukrainian President at the session of the EU Council. "It would be impossible without the Association Agreement," the President noted reminding the decision to prolong sanctions against Russia until the end of 2015 made by the EU Council of Foreign Ministers this week.

The President noted the importance of PACE resolution adopted this week. It defines Russian actions in the East of Ukraine as an aggression; and actions in Crimea as an annexation. The President called this decision "a huge victory of Ukrainian authorities, diplomats and parliamentarians". It has a great importance for the next lawsuits on Russian liability, as stated by the President.

The Head of State emphasized that Ukraine managed to accelerate the ratification of the Association Agreement by the EU member states. At present, 21 countries have already ratified the Agreement with 7 countries left. The process is expected to be completed by the end of this year. "We've made it three times faster than expected," the President said.

The President informed that President of the European Parliament Matin Schulz, who made significant efforts to facilitate synchronous ratification of the Association Agreement by the Ukrainian and European Parliaments on September 16, 2014, will visit Ukraine on July 3.

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