
Friday, June 19, 2015

Verkhovna Rada Chairperson Volodymyr Groysman presents draft law on introduction of decentralization amendments into Ukrainian Constitution to Venice Commission

Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Volodymyr Groysman has presented the draft law on introduction of decentralization amendments into the Constitution of Ukraine elaborated by the Workgroup for constitutional principles of organization and exercising of state power, local self-government administrative-territorial status of Ukraine and decentralization of power, under the Constitutional Commission, to the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

Taking floor in front of the Venice Commission members at the 103rd plenary meeting on Friday, Groysman noted that the constitutional amendments "have to make the process of democratic reforms in Ukraine nonreversible."

The Head of the Verkhovna Rada noted that the Constitutional Commission has declared the introduction of decentralization amendments into the Constitution of Ukraine a top-priority.
Groysman also stressed that the decentralization "is the idea born inside of the Ukrainian society," and added that Ukraine "will independently decide what state to build."

Groysman noted that the draft constitutional amendments strictly separates the rights of local self-government bodies and the state, which "is a new approach for Ukraine as a post-Soviet state."

Groysman said that systemic reforms in Ukraine, the President, Parliament and the Government are strongly insisting on, are held in conditions of "the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation." "The war is taking place not at the eastern borders of Ukraine, but at the eastern border of the European civilization, which rests joint responsibility on Ukraine and Europe," he said.

As earlier reported, on June 19, Groysman is staying in the Italian Republic to take part in the 103rd plenary meeting of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

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