
Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ukraine continues to repay foreign debt, moratorium not applied – finance minister

Ukraine continues to repay foreign debt, moratorium not applied – finance minister

The Ukrainian government has not used the moratorium right granted by the parliament to suspend repayment of foreign debts, Finance Minister Natalie Jaresko has said.

"We have not applied it [the moratorium], we are meeting each of our debt obligations," the minister told reporters in Kyiv on Tuesday.

Jaresko evaded the question as of whether $75 million interest on Ukraine's $3 billion Eurobond debt issued for Russia in the end of 2013 would be repaid on June 20.

Repayment of approximately $39 million interest on the $1.25 billion Eurobond debt maturing in 2016 is due on June 17.

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