
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tony Blair in Kyiv: The world is watching what is happening in Ukraine

Most of the EU, including Britain, wants to see Ukraine free, independent, united country that decides their fate - said today in Kiev, former Prime Minister of Britain.

"We believe in the Ukraine, and we believe in the transformations taking place in Ukraine. Ukraine is important for the future of Europe, and congratulate Ukraine on its way to Europe", - said Tony Blair in 2011. After four years, the Ukrainian revolution, escape all the country's leadership and the war in the east of the rhetoric of the former British prime minister has not changed. New time recorded the most interesting quotes from the speech by Tony Blair in Kiev.

About technology, geopolitics and religion

I believe that most of the European Union, including the UK, want to see Ukraine free, independent, united country that decides their fate. We'll be with you in this fight.

Ukraine faces its own challenges, but we must not forget that Ukraine too - part of a changing world. Speed ​​- one of the main characteristics of these changes. This is reflected in the technology, the way the world lives, works and thinks. The technological revolution over time will only increase.

Another change - in geopolitics. Two weeks ago I was in China. The scale of what is happening there is very large. China's population is three times larger than the entire European Union. The economy is a scale that the world has ever seen. China will soon catch up with India. There are many countries where the population is greater than in any European country. Geopolitics will create new opportunities, but at the same time appear and tension. Never before have the geopolitical centers of power did not change so quickly.

Almost every month I am in the Middle East. Third - changes based on religious beliefs, which are trying to impose. Of course there is in Islam and those who think otherwise.

Three lessons of the changing world of Tony Blair

How can we overcome these changes? First, in a world that is changing, you must also change. Ukraine has a security problem, but there is also the question of reform. You have left the legacy of the old system: inefficient, irregular and corrupt. It is necessary to reform and to change this system. The same problems and the reforms are to Europe, China, USA, India. The reform process is not only the government but also the people. It must change its mentality. Ukraine's future is not determined by the fact that the government is doing, and what will make people, especially young people. In a world of change, we must change. This - the first lesson.

The second lesson - in a world that is changing geopolitics, we must build alliances that allow us to cope with geopolitical changes. Today the European Union is not opposed to the challenges that have been in the days of my father. After the Second World War, the main reason for European unification was the desire of the world. Today the need is due to the fact that we will not strong enough to somehow survive in a time of great change. I support Ukraine as part of Europe and turn it into a part of Europe. You need to have intelligence, wisdom and common vision of Europe to be strong and truly united. These alliances are now more important than ever for the United Kingdom and Ukraine, as well as for Germany and Sweden.

The aim of the authorities should not be fighting for their own interests, and the struggle for values. This is the third lesson. I look at the world and see the changes, but want to value my parents passed on to new generations. These values ​​- freedom, democracy, the subordination the government  of the interests of the people, should be fundamental in the XXI century. The only way people will live in a society where they are, and not corruption decide as a society will develop. Youth education - the key to all this. We must teach them those values.

On the main threats in the world

When I look at the world, I see two main threats: extremism and a limited form of nationalism. The latter could quickly escalate into aggression. You must be proud of not only your country, but also the fact that you - the part of the international system, international rules and procedures. This will give us the opportunity to work, to unite with other cultures. 

They can give a new look at how the world and take its place in these changes.

With all the challenges facing Ukraine - aggression, security, the need for reform, I want to say that the world is watching what is happening here. The world wants not only to show solidarity, but also to give a sense of hope that we find in your youth. I feel optimistic: you have already shown how you can overcome difficulties. You have a lot of friends in the world that will help you fight.

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