
Monday, June 22, 2015

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine named agency with the greatest resistance to the lustration

Fiscal Service, the Interior Ministry and Prosecutor's Office have the greatest resistance to the execution of the law on lustration.

This was on Channel 5 said the director of the Department of the Ministry of Justice lustration Tatiana Kozachenko

"Most of all - it's Fiscal Service, the Interior Ministry and prosecutor's office. The courts we can not accept, because there is a very different constitutional order of dismissal of judges - is a separate issue. But these bodies - it is the executive branch," - said Kozachenko.

Recall that in recent opinion of the Venice Commission on the law on lustration stated deficiencies remain after the proposed changes to the government of Ukraine.

"The Venice Commission welcomes some of the improvements proposed by the draft law, as the establishment of the central organ of executive power with special status and amendments to the Unified State Register of entities (for which the provisions of the law on lustration). However, the law, if it will be made to the proposed amendments will still have some shortcomings, "- said in the conclusion of the commission.

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