
Monday, June 1, 2015


The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has launched online services for granting bankruptcy certificates from the Unified register of bankrupt enterprises and an automatic notification system on auctions to sale the bankrupt enterprises’ property. Such a statement has been made by the Deputy Minister of justice of Ukraine Anton Yanchuk.

“Any individual or legal entity may use this online service. Simply go to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine official website, register, enter key words and receive the necessary document absolutely free of charge”, - stated the Deputy Minster.

He also stated that performing all of the above stated procedures will take you no more than 5 minutes, and as for the received certificate – you can print it and it will have the same legal force, as documents, issued in justice agencies.

Anton Yanchuk pointed out that previously such information could have been received only by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs by addressing, with a written request, to territorial justice administration, and the information was only about them. Apart from that, they had 5 days to answer your request. This could result in corruption offenses, because in order to accelerate this process, individuals often demanded bribes.

“Last year paper certificates have been requested by nearly 100 thousand individuals. This means 100 thousand visits to territorial justice administrations, a lot of spent work time and tons of paper. Now we are able to avoid such expenses and save budgetary funds. And most importantly – prevent corruption risks”, - stated the Deputy Minister of Justice.

He also stated that since the launch of this service, over 4 thousand requests on receiving information have already been performed.

Apart from that, on May 15 an automatic promulgation of announcements system has begun its work. This system has been developed to notify everyone concerned about bankrupt enterprises’ property auctions, as well as to notify about the outcome of auctions.

Ukrainian Justice Minister advisor Igor Alekseev pointed out that problems, occurred during the information layout, have been the most painful and had negative influence on the bankruptcy procedure.

“This procedure included paper submission of data and the completeness of documents have been checked by the Ministry of Justice employee. This led to numerous cases of improper attitude towards document evaluation and refusals to announce the auctions, which became the reason for delays and disruption of auctions”, - emphasized Igor Alekseev.

According to him, the implementation of an automatic online system for processing and evaluation of documents fully eliminates subjective factor during the decision making process.
“Specialists, who had performed evaluation of documents, are completely deprived of any subjective influence. 

Now there is a computerized system that processes these documents and, checking their completeness and compliance to requirements, approves them”, - said Igor Alekseev.

He also stated that more than 340 messages on the start of auctions have been processed since the start of this system.

“This work is aimed to make life easier for Ukrainian enterprises and to improve business climate in Ukraine in order for foreign investors not to be afraid to invest their money in our domestic economy”, - summarized Igor Alekseev.

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