
Monday, June 22, 2015

Sanctions against Russia to remain until Crimea is returned - Ukraine-Poland Assembly

Sanctions against Russia should remain in force until full implementation of the Minsk agreements and return of Crimea to Ukraine.

This is stated in the declaration of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of Ukraine and Poland, adopted in Warsaw on Monday.

"The Parliamentary Assembly of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland considers that sectoral EU's sanctions against Russia must remain in force until full implementation of the Minsk agreements, while the sanctions related to the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol should not be canceled till Crimea is returned to Ukraine," reads the declaration.

The Assembly calls on Russia to immediately release Nadiya Savchenko and all citizens of Ukraine, who are being illegally held in the territory of the Russian Federation. The Assembly also urges the authorities and citizens of the European states to respond adequately to the Russian propaganda, aimed at deceiving public opinion in the democratic countries.

Ukrainian and Polish MPs also note the need for a peaceful settlement of the conflict on the basis of "unconditional implementation of the Minsk agreements by all parties in compliance with the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."

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