
Saturday, June 6, 2015

New rules for the granting and revocation of authorities to operate air lines enter into force

On June 5, there comes in force an Order of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine On Approval of Aviation Rules of Ukraine "On procedure of granting and revocation of authority to provide air services” taking into account amendments of June 22, 2015, which introduces new rules of exploitation of air routes.

There have been reduced the number of conditions considered when adopting a decision. Carriers will receive points according to the following criteria:
• the actual use by the carrier of previously granted authority to operate air lines;
• the amount of funds paid to the State Budget of Ukraine for 12 months calculated per aircraft;
• the quantity of accidents per 1 million flights for 12 months;
• flight regularity for six months.

Under the new document the procedure of granting authority for an airline to perform flights on a route will be more transparent and correspond to international practices. All applications by carriers and the Commission's decisions will be posted on the website, available data will include companies, directions they apply for, information to compare which airline deserves a right to provide services.

According to the Chairman of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine Denis Antonyuk, an order on appointment of the Commission has been prepared, and on Tuesday it plans to consider all applications from various airlines on granting authority to operate air routes. He also informed changes to the document had been discussed with representatives of air carriers and the admissibility of new rules agreed, added Denis Antonyuk.

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