
Friday, May 1, 2015

The struggle of Ukrainians in the World War II: “We won at that time – we will win now”

Historical movies about the place and role of Ukraine as a winner country in the Second World War have been made on the initiative of the Government: "We want the whole country saw the truth about the past so that in the future our country will be confident in her abilities," Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk said during the presentation of the video about the struggle of Ukrainians in the WWII at a session of the Organizing Committee on preparation and celebration in 2015 of the 70th anniversary of victory over Nazism in Europe.
Arseniy Yatsenyuk expressed gratitude to the Head of the Ukrainian National Memorial Institute VolodymyrViatrovych and famous Ukrainian director Les' Sanin "for the fact that by our joint initiative historical movies about the place and role of Ukraine as a winner country in the Second World War finally have been made".
The PM stressed that the Soviet Union and Russia now “decided to write their own version of history": "not to mention above the Russian leadership, including the Russian President, who neglects the Ukrainian contribution to the victory over Nazism".
"Any attempt of privatization of the victory by the Russian Federation is not just a distortion of history, but it is a mockery of the memory of millions of Ukrainians, who have laid their lives in this terrible war, who fought Nazism. We fought together with the Russians, but now Russia is now fighting against Ukraine," Arseniy Yatsenyuk said.
He noted that the decision to make these video was designed to show the truth: "to show the truth thatUkraine is a winner country that Ukrainians on different fronts fought against Nazism that without Ukraine, this victory would not be. And to honor the millions of Ukrainians, to instill trust and confidence in Ukraine that we won at that time - and we will win now."
In the videos, made upon the initiative of the Government of Ukraine there are stories about the Ukrainians who fought in different armies of the Second World War.

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