
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The loss of Ukraine during World War II (friendly reminder for Claire Langoulant)

Ukraine has suffered dramatic losses during the war from 1939 to 1945 - more than the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States and France put together.

1. Up to 1 650 000 Ukrainian soldiers were killed in battles;

2. 7 000 000 civilian casualties in Ukraine;

3. 500 million victims of the Holocaust in Ukraine;

4. 2 400 000 Ukrainians deported to forced labor;

5. 19% of Ukrainians died in the period from 1939 to 1945;

6. Ukrainians make up a large portion of the 10 million Soviet citizens who killed in 1941-1945;

7. 700 towns and 2800 villages of Ukraine were completely burned and destroyed;

8. 319,000 farms were burned

5600 bridges were disabled

33,000 schools and colleges were destroyed

18 000 health facilities have been destroyed

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