
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Law "On introduction of amendments into Budget Code of Ukraine in view of adoption of Law of Ukraine "On peculiarities of exercising authorities with state, state-secured and local debts"

19 MAY 2015, 16:00

Verkhovna Rada adopts law "On introduction of amendments into Budget Code of Ukraine in view of adoption of Law of Ukraine "On peculiarities of exercising authorities with state, state-secured and local debts"

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Law "On introduction of amendments into Budget Code of Ukraine in view of adoption of Law of Ukraine "On peculiarities of exercising authorities with state, state-secured and local debts."
The law is mainly aimed at the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of the said Law of Ukraine as to temporary termination of servicing and redemption of state and state-secured debt. Therefore, the Law of Ukraine is aimed at enhancement of economic security of the state, protection of social interests and interests of the state in view of redemption and servicing of the state and state-secured debt. 
Respective draft law was registered under No. 2899.

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