
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Klitschko, USAID to battle corruption in Kyiv together – Kyiv City State Administration

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko and Ambassador Alfonso Lenhardt, Deputy Administrator and Acting Administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), have announced the start of joint actions to support the battle against corruption in Kyiv, the press service of Kyiv City State Administration has reported.
This is what Klitschko and Lenhardt discussed during their meeting in Washington.
As part of the program, which is worth a total of $ 1 million, USAID agreed to help Kyiv reform the mechanisms of city procurements, parking infrastructure, waste disposal and investment systems.
The aid will be also used to improve the accessibility of the Kyiv metro for the disabled.
"We're making Kyiv authorities open for citizens of the city. Our efforts are also directed towards increasing the level of transparency, accountability and efficiency of municipal services," Klitschko said.
According to Lenhardt. USAID completely support Klitschko's measures and will help Kyiv create a single electronic system of city procurements, improve the city's parking infrastructure, increase the transparency of waste disposal systems, and improve relevant legal basis that will facilitate better environmental protection. He said they will also develop mechanisms of public control, transparency and accountability in Kyiv Investment Agency, which should limit the opportunities for corruption.

Klitschko and Lenhardt also discussed the issues of refugees in Kyiv after they had to flee the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, saying that the Kyiv city authorities will coordinate actions on providing humanitarian aid, including the creation of the center to support refugees.

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