
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

About the Supreme Court of Ukraine

THE SUPREME COURT OF UKRAINE shall be the highest judicial body within the system of courts of general jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine shall:

review cases regarding unequal application by courts (court) of cassation of the same rule of substantive law in similar legal relations in the manner prescribed by the procedural law;

review cases when international judicial institution the jurisdiction of which is recognized by Ukraine has established the violation of international obligations by Ukraine when deciding case in court;

provide opinion on whether or not the actions of which the President of Ukraine is accused contain elements of state treason or other crime; submit, upon request of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, a written motion stating that the President of Ukraine is incapable of exercising his / her powers for health reasons;

apply to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine for constitutionality of laws or other legal acts as well as for the official interpretation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

Composition of the Supreme Court of Ukraine

The composition of the Supreme Court of Ukraine comprises forty eight judges, from the number of which shall be elected the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, First Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and four Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court of Ukraine.

A judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine shall be a person who has worked as a judge for at least fifteen years or a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.

In the Supreme Court of Ukraine shall operate:

the Judicial Chamber on administrative cases;

the Judicial Chamber on commercial cases;

the Judicial Chamber on criminal cases;

the Judicial Chamber on civil cases.

The composition of the judicial chamber shall comprise judges of the respective specialized jurisdiction (civil, criminal, commercial and administrative).

The Plenary Assembly operates within the Supreme Court and shall be held to address issues specified by the Constitution of Ukraine and by this Law.

Under the Supreme Court of Ukraine, there shall be created the Scientific-consultative council the status of which shall be specified by this Law.

The Supreme Court of Ukraine shall publish an official periodical and may be a cofounder of other periodicals.

Judge of the Supreme Court of Ukraine:

takes part in case consideration in the manner prescribed by the procedural law;

takes part in consideration of matters put on the agenda of meetings of the Plenary Assembly of the Supreme Court of Ukraine;

analyzes court practice; 

submits, according to the established procedure, proposals on ways to improve legislation and its application;

exercises other powers specified by the law.

President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine:

represents the court as a body of state power in relations with other bodies of state power, local self-government bodies, physical persons and legal entities, as well as with judicial bodies of other states and international organizations;

defines the administrative responsibilities of the First Vice-President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine and Vice-Presidents of the Supreme Court of Ukraine;

convenes the Plenary Assembly of the Supreme Court of Ukraine; submits for consideration of the Plenary Assembly submission / suggestion regarding the appointment of Plenary Assembly Secretary; introduces issues to be considered by the Plenary Assembly, and presides at its meetings;

issues a relevant order on the basis of an act of election to the position of a judge of the Supreme Court or of removal of a judge;

notifies the High Qualifications Commission of Judges of Ukraine of the availability of vacant judicial positions in the Supreme Court of Ukraine within a ten-day term of their opening;

supervises the activities of the staff of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, submits to the Head of State Judicial Administration of Ukraine motions on appointment and termination of heads of court staff, their deputies as well as on their reward or disciplinary penalty according to legislation;

informs the Plenary Assembly of the Supreme Court of Ukraine about the operation of the Supreme Court of Ukraine;

exercises other powers specified by the law.

The President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine shall issue orders and instructions regarding matters within his / her administrative authority.

The President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine is an ex-officio member of the High Council of Justice.

In the absence of the President of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, his / her administrative powers shall be exercised by the First Vice-President; and in the absence of the First Vice-President, the administrative powers shall be exercised by one of the Vice-Presidents as determined.

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