Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted the laws necessary to obtain the IMF loan

Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine on Monday evening, March 2 adopted several laws that are needed to obtain funding from the International Monetary Fund. In particular, the Parliament amended the state budget of Ukraine for 2015, increasing its revenue by 22.5 billion hryvnia, and the costs - 35.7 billion hryvnia. For the bill voted 273 deputies.

Ukraine's parliament has limited to 15 percent of pensions for those pensioners who continue to work. This decision was supported by 238 deputies. A decrease of 15 per cent will not affect those pensioners who receive a pension less than 1486 hryvnia. At the same time the retirement age in Ukraine will not grow.

Also, the Ukrainian parliament adopted a bill initiated by the President of Ukraine to strengthen the responsibility of the owners of banks. For a decision voted 260 deputies. They, in particular, provides for criminal liability for the bank manager or the final benefetsiarom would bring the bank to insolvency.

Changes in pension and banking legislation and amendments to the state budget for 2015 is the need for the International Monetary Fund program for increased funding for Ukraine.

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