
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The courts of Kyivan Rus'

In Kyivan Rus’ the court was not separated from the administration and defended primarily the interests of the upper strata of the population. The courts were divided into secular and ecclesiastical.

Princely Court.
The judicial power belonged to the basic prerogatives of the prince's power.
Princely Court exercises the prince himself as the supreme judge, or on his behalf, - the officials.

The case where at least one of the parties was feudal lords comes within the jurisdiction of the prince's court.
In proceedings before the court could take into account the opinion of the public - the elders.

Court decisions on important matters could be taken together with the boyars. Princely Court held for the princely court in the capital of the principality or elsewhere in the state territory, where prince stood still, circling the earth.

On the ground, acting permanent princely courts - courts of governors. Subject to the jurisdiction of the court of the prince all the population, with the exception of "church people".

Manorial courts.
Manorial courts - courts of the feudal landowners for dependent population (slaves and purchase).
In the case of feudal slave court's decision was final and not subject to appeal. Purchases have the right to appeal the decision of the court in the patrimonial
Princely court.

Church court.
Church people - population dependent on monasteries and the clergy were subject to Church trial.
In the Church courts as judges performed archimandrites, archbishops, bishops, Metropolitan.
To the exclusive jurisdiction of the Church court belonged case arising out of marriage and family relations, the case of violation of morality, corruption, bigamy, apostasy, blasphemy, witchcraft, sorcery, the implementation of pagan worship, cases involving church property.

Public court.
Public court (Court of community - the courts of Verv’) were the lowest court.
Public court consisted of the elder and reputable  members of the community ("good people").

Public courts hear cases that did not require the intervention of the princely court. Under the jurisdiction of the public courts fell members of peasant communities.

Related posts:

The law of Lithuanian-Russian state

The right of the blood revenge in Kyivan Rus'

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