
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Electronic online services in the state registration sector

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine introduces new standards for registration services provision. Starting from April you can acquire all necessary information online, without leaving home. This has been stated, while presenting e-services in the state registration sector at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko.
“After the introduction of these new e-services, citizens won’t have to spend their time in queues, find intermediaries among civil servants in order to acquire one or another statement. All these services will be available via the Internet at home or at work by entering the Ministry of Justice website and paying for the service by your credit card”, - stated the Minister.
According to him, according to the adopted legislative acts all documents formed by the e-system have the same official status as their paper analogues signed and stamped by the registrar.
All e-documents will be assigned a unique number. According to this number people are going to be able to find the original document in this e-system, if it is required by the bank or any other institution. Terms of such formed document and its unique number will be determined by the Ministry of Justice. There is an ongoing discussion on this matter – suggested variants are from 3 months to 6 months.
The Minister of Justice also pointed out that acquiring necessary documents from the register of companies can be made with the help of an expanded search filters: company names, information on founders, information on directors, search by an appropriate code.
“We expect that most part of 1.3 million statements regarding registration and doing business, our citizens will receive not at the registration services, but via our online services”, - Pavlo Petrenko stated.
In such way we will be able to remove queues, destroy customer service level corruption, as well as removing all obstacles and negativity, which are created for entrepreneurs by the state.
“The second question pool, which we have resolved, concerns registration of rights to property. The procedure here is similar to the previous one. Citizens for once only have to come and submit package of documents regarding property registration. And then, after 5 or 14 days, to come and to collect these documents”, - emphasized the Minister.
Another initiative will be empowering the notaries to perform registration of an agreement on the lease of a plot of agricultural land starting from April. Due to this innovation, it will become possible to remove all queues in all agricultural regions, which is especially important during the sowing campaign and reissuing of huge number of contracts.
“If this procedure will work out, then the next step, according to our concept of reforming public services provision, notaries will be able to register all property objects as a full-fledged state registrar”, - stated the Minister.
He also stated that the Government has adopted an ordinance, which obliges all state executive branch authorities to use the information provided by the registers and not to demand this information repeatedly from the citizens.
The above stated reforms should affect Ukraine’s position in Doing Business rankings, in terms of ease of doing business.
“We have great prospects in acquiring new positions for Ukraine under 4 categories, maintained by the Ministry of Justice. In the category of business registration we have a chance to rise from 76 place to 12. In terms of property registration – from 59 to 35. In matters of insolvency – to jump from 142 to 108. And as for the ensuring enforcement of contracts – from 43 to 27”, - stated the Minister.
In general, by improving only these 4 indicators, Ukraine has a chance to rise in the overall Doing Business rankings from 96 to 79 place. A this is a great indicator for investors.
“Other countries’ experience shows that every increase in rankings by 1 point equals about 600 million dollars of additional investments. It’s not that hard to calculate, how much additional investments we will receive if we go up by 16-17 points in the Doing Business ranking”, - summarized Pavlo Petrenko.

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