
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Kyiv National Economic University is launching the “Legal regulation of economic activity” (September 1, 2015)

Legal regulation of economic activity” – discipline of bachelor level for students of economics at Kyiv National Economic University.

Program coordinator Volodymyr Machuskyy.

We invite you to take part in the discussion of the discipline’s content (themes).

Comments, suggestions or cooperation are welcome at:

The themes of "Legal regulation of economic activity":

Theme 1. Basic and legal fundamentals of economic activity.
The understanding of economic activity. Economic activity and economic relationship.
The types of economic activity. The entrepreneurship and non-profit economic activity. General principles of business activity. Parties to economic activity. Economic activity and economic relationship.
Constitutional fundamentals of legal order in the sphere of economic activity. Normative and legal regulation of economic activity.
General Guarantees of Entrepreneurs Rights. Liability of Subjects of Entrepreneurship.
Activity of Foreign Entrepreneurs in Ukraine.

Theme 2. Business entity.
Notion of business entity. Types of business entity. Individual as a business entity. Legal entities, established pursuant to the Civil Code of Ukraine. State, municipal and other enterprises, set up in accordance with the Economic Code of Ukraine.
Notion of Legal Entity. Types of Legal Entities. Name of Legal Entity. Legal Capacity of Legal Entity. Legal Capability of Legal Entity. Branches and Representations of Legal Entity. Liability of Legal Entities. Creation of a Legal Entity. Requirements to the Contents of Constituent Documents. Liquidation of Legal Entity.
Enterprise as an Organizational Form of Economic Activity. Types and Organizational Forms of Enterprises. Enterprise Association. The Notion of a Business Partnership. Types of Business Partnerships. Procedures for Establishing of Business Partnerships. Legal status of Joint-Stock Companies. Legal status of Limited Liability companies.
Credit Unions in Economic Activity. Charitable and Other Non-Profit Organizations in Economic Activity.

  Theme 3. State regulation of economic activity.
State regulatory policy in the sphere of economic activity. The legal status of the State Regulatory Service of Ukraine. Permit system in economic activity.
The order of state registration of business entities. The state registrar. Requirements for documents that are submitted to the state registrar. Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individuals - entrepreneurs. Provision of information from the Unified State Register.
Licensing of economic activity. Economic activities subject to licensing. Documents that are submitted to the licensing authority for a license. The procedure for obtaining a license.
Concept and types of trade patents. Documents required for trade patent. The procedure for obtaining trade patent.
Limitation of monopoly and protection of business entities from unfair competition.
Control over economic activity. Bodies authorized to carry out state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity. Economic activities which are subject to state supervision (control). Powers of state supervision (control) to stop production (manufacturing) or the sale of products, works and services.

Theme 4. Property basis of economic activity.
Legal Treatment of Business Entities’ Property. Ownership Right as the Main Property Right in the Sphere of Economic Activity. Content of the Ownership Right. Implementation of the Ownership Right. Inviolability of the Ownership Right.
Ownership Right of Ukrainian People. Right of Private Property. Right of the State Property. Right of the Municipal Property. Notion and Types of Joint
Ownership Right. Property in the Sphere of Economic Activity. Sources of Forming Property of Business Entities. Securities in the Composition of the Property of Business Entities.  Notion of Intellectual Property Right. Objects of Intellectual Property Right. Intellectual Property Right to commercial name.    Intellectual Property Right to a trademark. Corporate rights.
Organizational and Constituent Powers of the Owner. The Right of Economic Supervision. The Right of Operational Management.
Acquisition and Termination of the Ownership Right. Acquisitive Prescription. Proprietary Rights in Other’s Property.
Protection of Property Rights.
Theme 5. Agreements in the area of economic activities.
Notion and Types of Transactions. General Requirements Necessary for Validation of a Transaction. Form of Transaction. Requirements to Written Form of Transaction.
The Notion and Types of Agreement. Content of Agreement. Conclusion, Amendment and Cancellation of the Agreement. Grounds to Amend or Cancel the Agreement. Legal Consequences of Amendment or Cancellation of the Agreement. General Procedure for Entering into Business Agreements. Material Terms of Business Agreements  
Specifics of Entry into Preliminary Agreements. Public Agreement. The Agreement of Adhesion. Sales ContractLease Agreement. Lending Agreement. Contractor’s Agreement. Service Agreement Transportation Agreement.  Insurance Agreement. Agency Agreement. Loan Agreement. Credit Agreement. Bank Deposit Agreement. Foreign trade agreements.

Theme 6. Obligations in the area of economic activities.
Notion of Obligation. Parties in Obligation. Grounds for emergence of Obligation. Types of Obligation. Interrelationship between economic and civil obligations.
Replacement of a Creditir in Obligation. Replacement  of a Debtor in Obligation.
Obligation Fulfillment. Term (Period) of Obligation Fulfillment. Place for Obligation Fulfillment.
Types of Security for the Obligation Fulfillment. Forfeit. Bailment. Guarantee. Deposit. Pledge. Retention.
Termination of Obligation.

Theme 7. Responsibility for violations in the area of economic activities.
Economic and Legal Responsibility of the Participants of Economic Relations. Grounds for Economic and Legal Responsibility.
Economic Sanctions as a Legal Responsibility Tool in the Area of Economic Activities. Types of Economic Sanctions.  
Compensation of Losses. Composition and Amount of Compensation. Conditions and Procedures for the Compensation of Losses.
Penalties and Penalty Rate. Procedures for Application of Penalties.
Operational Economic Sanctions. Types of Operational Economic Sanctions.
Administrative Economic Sanctions. Types of Administrative Economic Sanctions. Indemnification for Moral Damage.

Theme 8. Recognizing Business Entities Bankrupt.
Insolvency of a Business Entity. Notion of Bankruptcy. Participants in bankruptcy cases. Subject to bankruptcy. Creditors of Insolvent Debtors.   Bankruptcy commissioner.
Actions to Prevent Bankruptcy of Business Entities. Bankruptcy procedure. An application to the court for bankruptcy proceedings. Recall of a Debtor. Consideration of the Creditors claims against the Debtor. Security of Creditors' claims.
Procedures Applied to Insolvent Debtors.  Disposal of the debtor's property. Amicable agreement. Reorganization (restoration of solvency) of a debtor. Property Assets of an Insolvent Debtor.
Liquidation of a bankrupt.

Theme 9. Legal regulation of levying taxes and fees.
The basic principles of the tax legislation of Ukraine. The concept of taxes and fees. Object of taxation. The tax base. General principles for setting taxes and fees. National taxes and fees. Local taxes and fees. Elimination of double taxation. Taxpayers. Responsibilities of the taxpayer. Rights of the taxpayer. Order of payment of taxes and fees. Tax benefits. Tax agents. Rights regulatory authorities.

Theme 10. Protection of the rights of the Business entities.
The concept of justice. The right to appeal to the court for protection. Methods of protection applied by the court. Competitiveness of the parties. The automated system of document circulation in court. The right to appeal to the court. Cases under the jurisdiction of the court. Litigants. The rights and obligations of the parties. Term resolution of the dispute. Judicial decisions. Executive proceedings. Sides of executive proceedings. The duration of the executive proceedings.

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