
Saturday, February 28, 2015

A memorandum of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund

The Ukrainian government has approved a memorandum of cooperation with the International Monetary Fund. The President of Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine and the Minister of Finance of Ukraine signed the Memorandum.

Head of Government expressed gratitude to the President of Ukraine "because of its very strong position, which allowed us to jointly develop an effective program of reform, and for our common negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and international lenders."

Yatsenyuk also expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalia Yaresko and all members of the government: "We have done the maximum in the framework of our cooperation with the IMF and a step by step plan of reforms in the country."

According to the government, the memorandum - "a plan of change that is monitored by our Western partners."

"During 2014 we carried out two such memorandum and every reform that is needed for a country that has been implemented. That is why the IMF has expanded the program to Ukraine for four years, and that is why we are now able to negotiate with our Western partners about the unprecedented amount of financial support for a country that is at war, "- said Yatsenyuk.

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