
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Ukrainian-Moscow Treaty on military and political alliance in 1654

Ukrainian-Moscow Treaty (hereinafter Treaty) marked a turning point in the history of Ukraine. Further development of Ukraine was closely associated with Russia. At the same time, the parties of the Treaty interpreted the Treaty in different ways.

Ukraine has received a protectorate of Russia due to the need. This need was conditioned by the military-political situation (the war with Poland). According to the Treaty, Ukraine had their own governments and armed forces led by Hetman. On the territory of Ukraine acted its own legal system.

Russia had the goal of transforming the protectorate in incorporation – the entry of Ukraine into Russia.  For this the Treaty (articles) were rewritten numerous times for reorganization purposes at every election of the new Hetman. Thus, Russia reached its goal and Ukraine lost its independence.

Tactical acquisition of Ukraine: a) the separation from Poland; b) the recognize Ukraine as an independent state by Muscovite tsar.

Strategic defeat of Ukraine: Russian’s absorption and a loss of independence.

The main provisions of the Treaty:
1. Zaporizhia Forces with their rights and privileges falls under the hand of the Russian Tsar.
2. The court proceedings Ukraine was based on local laws and customs.
3. The tsar allowed the Cossacks to choose the Hetman and the foreman. Newly elected Hetman immediately had to take an oath to the tsar.
4. About international relations with other states Hetman had fully informed the tsar.
5. The Cossack Army was meant to serve the tsar.
6. The tsar had the right to keep in Kiev a governor and an army.

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