
Saturday, January 31, 2015

Historical stereotypes and traditional media in the Ukrainian-Russian relations

Volodymyr Machuskyy

The historical stereotype is one way of objectification of ideological and political space through traditional media. Traditional media over the years generate historical stereotypes in the public consciousness. The continuous generation of such stereotypes leads to their transformation into a new social reality. 

In addition, in totalitarian states historical stereotypes serve as the primary justification of the ideology of the state. On the basis of the ideology the state is taking political and legal decisions.  The last stage of exploitation of the historical stereotype is the outbreak of war with the aim of geopolitical revenge.

For example, the Russia through traditional media means is exploiting the historical stereotype "The Nazi in Ukraine". For the vast number of young people in Russia it is an indisputable historical stereotype. This generation is formed during the 15-year rule of Putin, who said "Russia could win the Second World War without Ukraine." Thus, a stereotype "The Nazi in Ukraine" widespread through traditional media has led thousands of volunteers from Russia to the east of Ukraine, where the two neighboring people destroy each other.

On the other hand, the stereotype "The Nazi in Ukraine" is not only unfounded, but also offensive to Ukrainians. During the Second World War, Ukraine has lost 8 million people. Among the heroes of the Soviet Union, one in five is a Ukrainian. The banner of Victory over Nazi Reichstag in Berlin was hoisted by Ukrainian soldier together with Russian and Georgian soldiers. Thus Russia through traditional media is trying to privatize the victory over fascism using historical stereotype.

Another historical stereotype is contained in Vladimir Putin’s Address to the Federal Assembly (December 4, 2014). The Address was traditionally delivered at the Kremlin’s St George Hall before an audience of over 1,000 people  and was widely covered in traditional media. Putin in the Address (in particular) pointed out where exactly is "the spiritual source of formation of the Russian nation and the centralized Russian state".

Here is a quote from Putin’s this Address to the Federal Assembly:
“It was an event of special significance for the country and the people, because Crimea is where our people live, and the peninsula is of strategic importance for Russia as the spiritual source of the development of a multifaceted but a solid Russian nation and a centralized Russian state. It was in Crimea, in the ancient city of Chersonesus or Korsun, as ancient Russian chroniclers called it, that Grand Prince Vladimir was baptised before bringing Christianity to Rus.
In addition to ethnic similarity, a common language, common elements of their material culture, a common territory, even though its borders were not marked then, and a nascent common economy and government, Christianity was a powerful spiritual unifying force that helped involve various tribes and tribal unions of the vast Eastern Slavic world in the creation of a Russian nation and the Russian state. It was thanks to this spiritual unity that our forefathers for the first time and forevermore saw themselves as a united nation. All of this allows us to say that Crimea, the ancient Korsun or Chersonesus, and Sevastopol have invaluable civilisational and even sacral importance for Russia, like the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the followers of Islam and Judaism”.

This quote indicates an attempt to revive the historical stereotype of Russian involvement in the ancient state - Kyivan Rus’. The structure of Putin's historical stereotype consists of such parts: a) Russia has its roots in the ancient Russian state - Kyivan Rus’; b) Grand Prince Volodymyr was baptized before bringing Christianity to Rus’; c) Crimea, the ancient Korsun or Chersonesus, and Sevastopol have invaluable civilization and even sacral importance for Russia.

Keeping in mind the subsequent long-term use of this stereotype in a traditional media need to make a few remarks.

The Russian has nothing to do with Kyivan Rus’ and Grand Prince Vlolodymyr. Kyivan Rus’ is the union of Slavic tribes and the ancestral home of modern Ukraine. Grand Prince Vlolodymyr is a Prince of Kyiv. The ancestral home of Russia is the union of Finnish tribes with the center in Moscow. When the Grand Prince of Kiev Volodymyr baptized Kyivan Rus’ the Moscow city did not exist yet. As for the sacredness of the Crimea for Russia it is necessary to specify that Moscow was paying tribute to the Crimean Khanate, which was Sovereign of Russia, before 1700.

The history of Ukraine is one of the reasons for Russia's aggression against Ukraine. Russia brazenly and openly seized Ukrainian Crimea, just as Russia, stole the history of Ukraine. Without Kyiv, without the history of Ukraine will collapse historical stereotypes about Russia and Russia will become a modern Prussia heiress of the Golden Horde.

Finally, the strategic purpose of exploitation and dissemination of historical stereotypes through traditional media is to replace the objective representations of whole nations on historical patterns favorable to the aggressor.

Thus, the media, the Russian Federation through the generation of historical stereotypes provide military and political operation of Russia against Ukraine.

Obviously, there are the cause and the occasion of the war.

The occasion for military action by Russia against Ukraine are the following:

1. Protecting the interests of the Russian-speaking population of Ukraine - absolutely far-fetched cause that makes an impression on people in Russia and in Europe. Protection of the Russian language as a pretext for aggression causes confusion among Ukrainians. All Ukrainian TV serials scored Russian (of course in Russian).

2. Protection of the Orthodox faith - a cynical excuse, because in Ukraine is much more orthodox parishes than in Russia. In short, Ukraine is a fully Orthodox country, but Russia is itself only partially and gradually absorbed by Islam.

3. Combating Ukrainian fascists - this excuse is a classic example of the manipulation of the mass consciousness. During World War II Ukraine suffered more than anything is just a result of the aggression of Nazi Germany. In Ukraine, one in six people was died. Many were deported to Germany for forced labor. If Ukrainians call fascists, it is the same as the Jews have created concentration camps and killed the Germans there.

The  cause for Russia's war against Ukraine are the following:

1. The territory and fertile land - before the occupation of the Crimea by Russian the territory of Ukraine equaled the territory of England and Germany combined.  Three-fourths of the territory of Russia are the climatic conditions which not suitable for a normal life.

2. Military Industry - ballistic missiles, aircraft engines and helicopters made by Ukraine to Russia. In case of loss of Ukrainian military plants cost Russia to fill the Ukrainian military products are simply enormous.

3. The gas market - before the Russian-Ukrainian war, it was Ukraine's main consumer of Russian gas. All the presidents of Ukraine just bought through corruption schemes in the gas industry.

4. The genetic material - Ukrainians have always been the brains of the Soviet Union. Twenty years of Ukraine's independence have led to the fact that the differences between the Ukrainian and Russian peoples have become apparent. Previously, these differences carefully masked by the slogan - Ukrainians and Russians are fraternal peoples. Russians as the descendants of the Finno-Ugric tribes feel threatened by the Muslim population and their need for fresh blood - the Ukrainians.

5. The ideological basis of the existence of Russia - the latter reason, but perhaps the most important. Without Kiev, without Ukraine, Russia will become a successor of the Tatar-Mongol Golden Horde as as it is in reality. Russia brazenly invaded the Crimea, just as Russia blatantly usurped Ukrainian history. Without Ukraine, Russia is the usual vicious and violent state - modern Prussia.

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