Saturday, August 24, 2024

Battle of Kursk II: The Adele Syndrome or a Mentally Ill Grandfather?

Vladimir Putin's fatal obsession with Ukraine didn't start on February 22, 2022, the day Russian tanks rolled across the border in a full-scale invasion. No, this moment was merely the climax of a long-simmering affliction - a manifestation of Putin's own Adele Syndrome toward Ukraine. This isn't just geopolitical ambition; it's a deeply rooted psychological disorder, one that mirrors the unrequited love described in the classic syndrome, where passion turns into a destructive obsession.

For years, Putin's fixation on Ukraine has been growing, evolving from political strategy into something far more personal and pathological. Like a jilted lover, he’s become addicted to the idea of Ukraine, to the point where his passion has morphed into a toxic, unreciprocated love affair. This obsession has reached the level of a mental disorder, driving his actions and consuming his judgment.

Ukraine, fiercely independent and resolute in its path, has rejected Putin’s advances time and again. And with every rejection, his obsession deepens, transforming into a desperate need to dominate and control. What began as a desire to bring Ukraine back into the fold of a greater Russian empire has become a compulsive need to crush the very essence of Ukraine’s freedom and autonomy.

Consider the latest developments: Ukrainian troops crossing into Russian territory - a first since 1944. A leader with any semblance of rationality might rally his people, call for unity, and take decisive action. But what does Putin do? He downplays the invasion, pretends it’s all part of his grand scheme, and continues his relentless bombardment of Russian cities. Instead of defending his homeland, he’s evacuating Russian citizens from Kursk and other regions, all in a futile attempt to satisfy his obsession with Ukraine.

It’s as if he’s lost all sense of reality, unable to grasp that no amount of destruction will bring Ukraine to its knees. His fixation has driven him to the brink of a mental breakdown, and with it, the complete degradation of his personality. What we see now is not a shrewd strategist but a man consumed by his own delusions - a sick grandfather, blinded by a love that will never be returned.

This dangerous descent into madness is a threat not just to Ukraine and Russia but to the entire world. The only remedy for this ailment, for the safety of all, lies in a Ukrainian military victory and Putin facing judgment at The Hague.

Glory to Ukraine!

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