Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Arseniy Yatsenyuk: For the first time in history of our independence we have not bought a single cubic meter of gas from Russia this winter

"If we move vigorously along the path of reforms, if we introduce actively energy efficient measures, we are capable within following five years to become an energy independent country and rely exclusively on our domestic resource of natural gas," stressed Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk on Tuesday, February 16, at the Parliament during the Government's report on its activities for 2015.
"For the first time in history of Ukrainian independence we have not bought a single cubic meter of gas from the Russian Federation this winter", he said.
The Prime Minister stressed that currently the storage facilities contain over 10 billion cubic meters of gas: "This is by 2 billion cubic meters of gas more than last year."

The launch of the Government's energy efficiency programme, he said, enabled to reduce the consumption of natural gas by 20%: "It's by 20% less money that would have been transferred to the accounts of the Russian ‘Gazprom’, the money that ‘Gazprom’ together with the Kremlin regime directs to buy tanks, aircrafts and tofinance their army".
In the energy sector the Government was able to "get rid of middleman, gas oligarchs and various shadow schemes that existed in the Ukrainian gas and energy sector".
"Now the Ukrainian company ‘Naftogaz’ purchases natural gas exceptionally under transparent and open contracts from the European Union member states, from six largest European companies", he accentuated.
"The price at which we buy [gas –ed.] in Europe, is lower than that offered by the Russian ‘Gazprom", said Arseniy Yatsenyuk.
The Prime Minister stressed that the Ukrainian side had filed a lawsuit against the Russian ‘Gazprom’concerning two gas contracts in the Stockholm arbitration court. In the first case in respect of the contract of saleand purchse Ukraine claims USD 14.5 billion. In the second – regarding the transit contract, Ukraine claims USD8.2 billion.
"I believe by the end of year, the dispute in the Stockholm arbitration court will be resolved in our favor.As our position is correct", he said.
Moreover, the Prime Minister reminded that rates of rent for the extraction of natural gas had changed.
"We have managed to preserve a high rate for the so-called joint activities, as it's a dark and falsifiedscheme. And we once again call on those who obtained licenses illegally to realize that there won’t be another way. The rate of 70% was fixed and it won’t change. Only transparent contracts and only open agreements on distribution of products", summed up the Prime Minister.

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