Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ukraine's territorial integrity must be restored - Poland's President Duda

The President of Poland states that annexation of the part of Ukraine's territory may set a dangerous precedent, and therefore the country's integrity must be restored. The conflict in Ukraine should end in "lasting peace", not frozen conflict.

President of Poland Andrzej Duda said this at the opening of the 25th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdroj, Poland.
"I want to emphasize that in order to avoid dangerous precedents, the conflict [in Ukraine] should end in lasting peace, not frozen conflict, which means a return to the status quo ante [restoration of Ukrainian borders of Ukraine]," Duda said.

He stressed that the Minsk Agreements, whose effect is to end on December 31, had restricted the conflict, but had not settled it.

"What will be further actions of the united Europe? There is no doubt that we need making vigorous efforts. I have no doubt that Poland should be more active in this direction," Duda stated.

The Polish President added that Europe must be effective in solving this problem, as "the problem has been recently marginalized."

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