
Friday, July 31, 2015

Mob Justice Happens When Real Justice Fails

The backlash to the backlash has started. First, Walter Palmer was tarred and feathered on the internet for killing Cecil-the-Lion. Now, Palmer has received death threats and had to close his dentistry practice and so the internet is worried about mob justice. Jason Gilbert on Fusion is spot-on. We all know that this ends with Walter Palmer making millions of dollars and having his own “nature” show on Fox. 

Let me play my role as the counter-narrative to the backlash to the overreaction: Palmer is only getting mobbed because official justice has failed. Yelp reviewers aren’t the heroes we need, but they are the heroes our dumbasses deserve because we have so woefully failed to address this problem through normal means. Every mob is always the same. Whether they’re using a keyboard, a rope, or a guillotine, you’ll see the same freaking people. And their cause is always the same: some perceived injustice that the nominal authorities have failed to address. 

Thing is, sometimes, the mob is right! You can’t eat cake if you don’t have any bread, Ms. Antoinette. You can’t turn Rome into a structure fire and then ignore it, Mr. Nero. You can’t shoot unarmed black people because Emancipation still bothers you, Mr. American Police Officer. The mob will rise whenever the authorities fail to provide justice. Unfortunately, the mob will also rise whenever they can’t understand how justice works. And it will also rise whenever Chelsea is denied a penalty. Or the Giants win the pennant. Or when it’s hot and people run out of Bud Light. A mob is why we invented the word “unruly.”

IMF approves 2nd $1.7 bln tranche for Ukraine under EFF

The Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on July 31, 2015, completed the first review of Ukraine's Extended Arrangement under the Extended Fund Facility (EFF), and the completion of this review enables the disbursement of SDR 1.1821 billion (about $1.7 billion), the IMF said in a statement on Friday.
The new tranche will bring total disbursements under the arrangement to SDR 4.72 billion (about $6.68 billion).
Ukraine's four-year SDR 12.348 billion (about $17.5 billion) EFF was approved on March 11, 2015, to support the government's economic program, which aims to put the economy on the path to recovery, restore external sustainability, strengthen public finances, and support economic growth by advancing structural and governance reforms, while protecting the most vulnerable.

"Добровольцы" оказались хулиганами

Виталий Портников

Заявление Кадырова - подготовка российского общественного мнения "на всякий случай".

Чеченский президент Рамзан Кадыров заявил, что на оккупированной россиянами территории украинского Донбасса не осталось "добровольцев" из его республики.
"Добровольцы были там, сейчас нет. Когда перемирие было, всех наших добровольцев пригласили домой: давайте, сидите дома. Сейчас там вообще не должно быть ни одного человека. Которые были у нас там хулиганы, мы их привели домой" - заявил Рамзан Кадыров российскому пропагандистскому агентству РИА "Новости".

Это заявление симптоматично. Причем стоит заметить, что Кадыров сделал его не на каком-то совещании или встрече с общественностью, а в специально организованном интервью для агентства, которое возглавляет главный лжец Кремля Дмитрий Киселев. При этом агентство поспешило опубликовать заявление о выводе и "хулиганстве" чеченских "добровольцев" на оккупированных территориях за несколько часов до обнародования самого текста интервью - что еще раз доказывает: сама беседа состоялась именно для того, чтобы господин Кадыров подобное заявление сделал. И все остальные слова - это лишь чеченский гарнир к кремлевскому блюду.

Public interest, interesting to the public, or telegraphing time to flee?

A few weeks ago an entry appeared her that contained this paragraph:
“We could perhaps then spend an enjoyable summer speculating upon just how many, and which, MPs and Judges would fail to return to Ukrainian jurisdiction from their holidays if such immunity was lifted.”
It appears (not unsurprisingly) that this may indeed be the case.
Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has announced that come September and the return of the Rada, the PGO intends to ask the Rada to strip several ex-Regionaires who are currently MPs of their immunity and arrest.
“As of today, the PGO is preparing a submission to the Verkhovna Rada to strip them of their parliamentary immunity and to arrest.
The investigators have identified persons who earlier belonged to the Party of Regions faction and now are incumbent MPs.”

Russia's Veto Of The MH17 UN Criminal Tribunal Is An Admission Of Guilt

Paul Roderick Gregory

Vladimir Putin is minimizing his losses. Yesterday,Russia vetoed the UN resolution (proposed by the four countries that suffered the greatest loss of human life) to form a Criminal Tribunal to punish those directly and indirectly responsible for the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.

Of the 15 members of the Security Council, 11 voted for the tribunal, three Russian-friendly countries abstained, while Russia cast its veto. Russia, which officially claims to have nothing to do with the tragedy and lost no citizens, justified its veto by asserting that a UN Criminal Tribunal appointed by the UN Secretary General will turn into a “political show.” There can be no other conclusion, writes a Russian opposition figure: In its “panic” to avoid a real investigation, Russia has “admitted its guilt” with its UN veto.

If Russia were innocent (and Ukraine or the U.S. were guilty instead, as Russian propaganda claims), why would it object to a tribunal? Especially one formed by the UN where the country has its share of allies.

UT Exclusive: 'The whole world focuses on what is happening in Ukraine'

France, Russia agree on EUR 1.16 bln refund for Mistral

Russia and France have agreed on settlement terms of a contract on the delivery of Mistral helicopter carriers, according to the Russian newspaper Kommersant
Read more on UNIAN:

It is reported that the exact amount of the refund will be officially announced after termination of the contract.
French state institutions, having previously made statements regarding Mistrals, declined to provide details, Kommersant wrote.
Officials from the French government, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said they had no information on the completion of the negotiations.
Emmanuel Gaudez, the head of media relations at DCNS corporation [responsible for warships construction] said he was not aware that the parties had reached an agreement and refused to make any predictions.
The official Paris reported that the authorized officials were not allowed to give any comments on Mistrals until next week, Kommersant wrote.

Constitutional Court approves transitional provision of Constitutional amendments on special local self-governance in Donbas

Ukraine's Constitutional Court has confirmed that a proposed bill on decentralizing power in the country meets the requirements of Articles 157 and 158 of the Ukrainian Constitution.
The court came to its decision on July 30 and made its conclusions public on Friday.
"A systemic analysis of the bill drives to the conclusions…that the offered amendments don't foresee cancelation or restriction of rights of a person or a citizen…The Constitutional Court makes this conclusion: 1) to accept a draft on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine on the decentralization of power (No. 2217-a), which amends items 29, 30, Part 1 of Article 85; item 16 of Part 1 Article 92; and item 1 of Article 106, Articles 118, 119; item 5 of Article 121; Articles 132, 133, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144; Part 1 of Article 150; sections IX and section XV 'Transitional Provisions', which meet the requirements of Articles 157 and 158 of the Constitution of Ukraine," Constitutional Court judge Vasyl Bryntsev said.

Конституційний Суд України офіційно оприлюднив Висновок у справі за зверненням Верховної Ради України

Головував на засіданні виконуючий обов’язки Голови Конституційного Суду України Василь Бринцев. Суддя-доповідач у справі – Михайло Гультай.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Крымским портам объявили континентальную блокаду


Новые санкции США касаются всех крупных крымских портов — Севастопольского, Керченского, Евпаторийского, Феодосийского, Ялтинского и госкомпании «Керченская паромная переправа». Они блокируют активы этих компаний в США и запрещают гражданам Америки любые сделки с ними. Санкции ЕС, продленные в июне на год, тоже запрещают европейским судам заходить в порты Крыма. Кроме того, европейские санкции действуют против Севастопольского и Керченского портов, а также Керченской переправы. Впрочем, сейчас обслуживанием Керченской переправы, которая связывает Крым с материком, занимается ООО «Морская дирекция». Сейчас ею владеет Единая транспортная дирекция, но до 15 сентября 2015 года ООО будет передано в собственность совета министров Крыма. Непосредственно компании «Крымские морские порты» в базе СПАРК нет. Есть лишь профсоюз компании «Керченская паромная переправа», которая там названа филиалом ГУП Республики Крым «Крымские морские порты».

Кто попал в санкционный список США

Действующие лица

Петр Колбин (1952 г. р.) занимает 156-е место в российском списке Forbes (состояние $0,55 млрд). Фигурирует в нем как частный инвестор. До 2010 года был финансовым инвестором нефтетрейдера Gunvor и бизнес-партнером Геннадия Тимченко. По данным СМИ, они дружили с детства. В 2011 году заработал $526 млн на продаже блокпакета «Ямал СПГ» НОВАТЭКу.
Кай Паананен (1954 г. р.) — финский бизнесмен, глава SET Group, которая занимается экспортом — импортом и ориентирована на Россию. Одно из подразделений группы специализируется на торговле нефтью, газом и битумом. Бизнесмен входит в правление Финско-Российской торговой палаты. В 2013 году СМИ сообщали, что он станет членом совета директоров финского хоккейного клуба Jokerit, 49% которого выкупили структуры Геннадия Тимченко и братьев Ротенбергов.

Каждой «дочке» — затычка

Как и писал “Ъ”, власти США ввели ограничительные меры в отношении российских компаний и граждан, которые, по данным Вашингтона, задействованы в схемах по обходу введенных ранее антироссийских санкций. В Министерстве финансов США расширение черного списка объяснили необходимостью обеспечить «эффективность» действующего режима санкций. В новый санкционный список попали 11 физических и 15 юридических лиц, включая родственников и деловых партнеров Геннадия Тимченко и Бориса Ротенберга, Ижевский механический завод, концерн «Ижмаш», ряд торговых портов в Крыму, «дочки» ВЭБа и «Роснефти».
О том, что власти США и стран Евросоюза собирают информацию о схемах, которые используются для обхода антироссийских санкций, и могут ввести ограничительные меры в отношении задействованных в них граждан и компаний, “Ъ” сообщал 30 июля. В четверг вечером Министерство финансов США объявило о первом расширении черного списка за счет физических и юридических лиц, причастных, по данным Вашингтона, к подобным обходным схемам. В новый черный список попали 11 физических и 15 юридических лиц. Им запрещен въезд на территорию США, а их активы, если таковые там будут обнаружены, будут арестованы. Американским компаниям запрещается вести дела с организациями и гражданами из черного списка.

Treasury Sanctions Individuals and Entities Involved In Sanctions Evasion Related To Russia and Ukraine

Action Targets Former Yanukovych Regime Officials, Close Associates, and Crimean Entities; Underscores U.S. Commitment to Maintain the Strength of Existing Sanctions and the Unity of the International Coalition Concerned About Russia’s Activities in Ukraine
WASHINGTON – To ensure the efficacy of existing sanctions, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated and identified a range of individuals and entities under four executive orders (E.O.s) related to Russia and Ukraine.  Today’s action is designed to counter attempts to circumvent our sanctions, to further align U.S. measures with those of our international partners, and to provide additional information to assist the private sector with sanctions compliance. 
“Today’s action underscores our resolve to maintain pressure on Russia for violating international law and fueling the conflict in eastern Ukraine,” said Acting OFAC Director John E. Smith.  “Our message is clear: we will continue to act to ensure the effectiveness of our sanctions, which will not be rolled back until the Minsk Agreements are fully implemented.”

Russia Vetoes U.N. Resolution on Tribunal for Malaysia Airlines Crash in Ukraine

UNITED NATIONS — Infuriating nations that lost citizens in the destruction of a Malaysian jetliner last year over eastern UkraineRussia blocked a Security Council resolution on Wednesday that would have created a tribunal to prosecute and punish those found responsible.

The Russians suggested the measure was a biased and politically motivated propaganda move to implicate the Kremlin or the Kremlin-backed Ukrainian separatists in control of eastern Ukraine.

Although the Russian veto was not unexpected, it resurrected the tensions and bitter feelings precipitated by the downing of the Malaysia Airlines jetliner, which appeared to have been hit by a sophisticated missile and plunged in pieces on July 17, 2014, onto a wheat field near the Russian border, killing all 298 people aboard.

The disaster elevated the simmering pro-Russian insurgency in eastern Ukraine into an international crisis.

While the passenger manifest listed people from more than a dozen nations, many aboard the plane, Flight 17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, were Dutch, and the Netherlands has been taking the lead in investigating the disaster. Four other countries are collaborating with the inquiry — Malaysia, Ukraine, Australia and Belgium.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

CHF 13 mln in higher economic court judge's accounts abroad frozen - watchdog

The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine, jointly with the Liechtenstein Financial Intelligence Unit, has identified five companies registered in Panama and Liechtenstein and owned by a judge of the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine with accounts in banks in Liechtenstein and Latvia used for the accumulation of assets of dubious origin for a long period of time, the press service of Ukraine's State Financial Monitoring Service has reported.
"It has been established that the joint beneficial owners and/or authorized persons in accounts opened in a bank in Liechtenstein are an acting judge of the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine, and his wife. During the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, the judge held the position of a vice-chairman of the Higher Economic Court Ukraine," the press service said.

Russia blocked the establishment of an international tribunal MH17

Russia, using the veto in the UN Security Council blocked the adoption of the resolution on the creation of an international tribunal to investigate the accident MH17.

The UN Security Council rejected the draft resolution on the establishment of an international tribunal to investigate the crash Malaysian Airlines. This was announced after the meeting on Wednesday, 29 July.

Over 11 countries voted for the resolution, three abstained, one did not support the resolution. It is about Russia, which has veto power in the UN Security Council. Angola, China and Venezuela abstained.

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of Russia's actions destabilising the situation in Ukraine

On 22 June 2015, the Council adopted Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/971. The Council Decision extends existing measures until 31 January 2016. 
The Candidate Countries Montenegro and Albania and the EFTA countries Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, members of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine align themselves with this Declaration. 
They will ensure that their national policies conform to this Council Decision. 
The European Union takes note of this commitment and welcomes it. 

Малайзия: проект резолюции (MH17)

Совет Безопасности,
подтверждая свою резолюцию 2166 (2014) от 21 июля 2014 года по уничтожению рейса MH17 17 июля 2014 года в Донецкой области (Украина), касающуюся трагической потери 298 жизней, в которой СБ потребовал, чтобы все ответственные за это происшествие были призваны к ответу и чтобы все страны всецело сотрудничали в определении ответственных,
напоминая о своей резолюции 2202 (2015) от 17 февраля 2015 года, которая подтвердила резолюцию 2166,
принимая во внимание предварительный доклад причин крушения, проведенный Управлением по безопасности полетов Нидерландов, облеченным таким правом в соответствии с приложением 13 международной конвенции по гражданской авиации, выпущенный 9 сентября 2014 года, который обозначил, что самолет был разрушен большим количеством объектов, летевших с большой силой, поразивших самолет снаружи, и напоминая о брифинге СБ ООН от 19 сентября 2014 года, также принимая во внимание резолюцию по MH17, принятую советом по Международной организации гражданской авиации 28 октября 2014 года,

Malaysia: draft resolution (MH17)

The Security Council,
Reaffirming its resolution 2166 (2014) of 21 July 2014 on the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH 17 on 17 July 2014 in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine concerning the tragic loss of 298 lives, in which it demanded that those responsible for this incident be held to account and that all States cooperate fully with efforts to establish accountability,
Recalling its resolution 2202 (2015) of 17 February 2015, which reaffirmed resolution 2166,
Noting the Preliminary Report into the cause of the crash by the Dutch Safety Board entrusted with the investigation in accordance with Annex 13 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, issued on 9 September 2014, which identified that the aircraft was destroyed by a large number of high energy objects that penetrated the aircraft from the outside, recalling the briefing of the Council on 19 September 2014 and noting also the resolution on MH17 adopted by the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation on 28 October 2014,

Draft Statute International Criminal Tribunal for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17

Having been established by the Security Council acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the International Criminal Tribunal for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 (hereinafter referred to as “the Tribunal”), shall function and exercise its jurisdiction in accordance with the provisions of the present Statute.
Section I
Jurisdiction of the Tribunal
Article 1
Crimes within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal
The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction over persons responsible for crimes connected with the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 on 17 July 2014.
Subject to paragraph 1, the Tribunal has jurisdiction in accordance with this Statute with respect to the following crimes:
War crimes, as defined in article 2; Crimes against the safety of civil aviation, as defined in article 3; andCrimes under the Criminal Code of Ukraine, as defined in article 4.

Special Report: Ukraine struggles to control maverick battalions


From a basement billiard club in central Kiev, Dmytro Korchynsky commands a volunteer battalion helping Ukraine's government fight rebels in the east. A burly man with a long, Cossack-style moustache, Korchynsky has several hundred armed men at his disposal. The exact number, he said, is "classified."
n the eyes of many Ukrainians, he and other volunteer fighters are heroes for helping the weak regular army resist pro-Russian separatists. In the view of the government, however, some of the volunteers have become a problem, even a law unto themselves.

Dressed in a colorful peasant-style shirt, Korchynsky told Reuters that he follows orders from the Interior Ministry, and that his battalion would stop fighting if commanded to do so. Yet he added: "We would proceed with our own methods of action independently from state structures."

MH17 tribunal to be established regardless of Russia's plans - Ukraine's Representative to UN

A series of countries, including Ukraine, are committed to setting up the tribunal to punish those responsible for the MH17 crash in Donbas.
This was announced by Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN Yuriy Sergeyev, TSN reports.
"We expect Russia to veto the draft resolution, but it cannot veto the right of the countries, whose citizens were killed in the crash, to demand punishment for those responsible. I am confident that the tribunal will be approved, even if not by the UN Security Council," he said.
The Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN for tactical reasons has not revealed how 14 members of the UN Security will vote. However, he has noted that the majority of them support the resolution on tribunal establishment as it has nothing to do with politics, just a desire of the relatives to know who is guilty of the death of their loved ones.

A Chinese Supreme Court Justice Falls from Grace

In the biggest bust since Zhou Yongkang, a judge at China's high court is being investigated for corruption.

On July 12, a Sunday, the highest level of China’s judiciary was hit by a scandal with an all-too familiar ring when China’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that Xi Xiaoming, one of the top judges in China’s highest judicial panel the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), was being investigated for corruption. 

The somewhat cryptic allegations, accusing Xi of “serious disciplinary violations and the breaking of laws,” mark the second time in five years that a justice for the Supreme People’s Court has been ensnared in a corruption case. Xi’s plight, grounded in fact or not, serves as an example of how difficult rooting out bad behavior can be in a country where the party is above the law, able to mete out discipline on China’s judiciary at will.

Is the Kremlin’s new offensive in Donbas possible?

Kostyantyn Honcharov

Russia continues to impose a scenario of local confrontation in Ukraine, just like in Transnistria, Abkhazia, or South Ossetia, while trying to "Ukrainize" the conflict in Donbas. UNIAN asked the experts whether a large-scale invasion is possible in this situation, given the escalation observed in the ATO zone in recent days.

For several weeks, fierce fighting has been raging in Donbas, the Russian proxies fired heavy weapons on the positions of the Ukrainian forces, despite the agreement on the withdrawal of heavy military hardware. Recently, the epicenter of conflict shifted closer to the militant stronghold of Donetsk. According to the ATO headquarters, there has been non-stop fighting in the area between the frontline and the villages of Avdiyivka and Maryinka. The enemy has pulled there a substantial reinforcement.

Recently, the newspaper The New York Times published an article claiming Russia has concentrated tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of APCs on the border with Ukraine. Various military experts admit that this may well be evidence of Moscow preparing for the summer offensive. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his interview with CNN July 16 also admitted this possibility. "I have confirmation from [our] intelligence," he said.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Wealth doesn't trickle down – it just floods offshore, research reveals

The world's super-rich have taken advantage of lax tax rules to siphon off at least $21 trillion, and possibly as much as $32tn, from their home countries and hide it abroad – a sum larger than the entire American economy.

James Henry, a former chief economist at consultancy McKinsey and an expert on tax havens, has conducted groundbreaking new research for the Tax Justice Network campaign group – sifting through data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and private sector analysts to construct an alarming picture that shows capital flooding out of countries across the world and disappearing into the cracks in the financial system.

 Comedian Jimmy Carr became the public face of tax-dodging in the UK earlier this year when it emerged that he had made use of a Cayman Islands-based trust to slash his income tax bill.

Kyiv air video

Національний банк спростив доступ міжнародним системам інтернет-розрахунків на ринок України та розширив можливості для використання електронних грошей, випущених нерезидентами

Національний банк України продовжує реалізацію плану заходів із впровадження Комплексної програми розвитку фінансового сектору України до 2020 року. Зокрема на виконання напряму «Забезпечення подальшого розвитку безготівкового обігу та розвитку роздрібних безготівкових платежів з використанням електронних платіжних засобів» було затверджено низку нововведень.

Ці нововведення запроваджуються постановами Правління Національного банку від 24 липня 2015 року "Про внесення змін до деяких нормативно-правових актів Національного банку України" № 480 (далі – Постанова № 480) та "Про внесення змін до деяких нормативно-правових актів Національного банку України з питань здійснення операцій з електронними грошима" № 481 (далі – Постанова № 481).

Зокрема Постановою № 480 визначено умови внесення до Реєстру платіжних систем, систем розрахунків, учаcників цих систем та операторів послуг платіжної інфраструктури відомостей про міжнародні системи інтернет-розрахунків (такі як PayPal, ApplePay, GoogleWallet та ін.), що створює підґрунтя для започаткування діяльності в Україні таких міжнародних систем.

PayPal in Ukraine!

NBU started in Ukraine PayPal and other payment resources

National Bank of Ukraine has taken the first step to joining the international payment systems, including PayPal, to the market of Ukraine.

In particular, the resolution number 480 defined in the Register, subject to payment systems, settlement systems, uchacnykiv these systems and operators services payment infrastructure information system on international Internet payments (including, PayPal, ApplePay, GoogleWallet et al.), Which creates the legal framework for activities Ukraine in these international systems.

In turn, the Resolution number 481, the National Bank has created a legal basis for the exercise of electronic money settlement envisages the possibility of payments by electronic money issued outside Ukraine, for use in the international system Internet payments.

Better Call Saul


WTO confirms extra import duty imposed by Ukraine complies with WTO requirements

The General Council of the World Trade Organization (WTO) has confirmed that an additional import duty imposed by Ukraine complies with the requirements of WTO agreements, Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Trade, Trade Representative of Ukraine Natalia Mykolska has said.
"The committee report on the balance of payments with respect to consultations with Ukraine on additional import duties has been approved by the WTO General Council. The decision of the WTO General Council confirmed the compliance of the additional import duty with the requirements of WTO agreements," she wrote on Twitter.
The official noted that the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade is completing the analysis of the additional import duty effect on the economy, in particular production and exports, and would submit the results to the Cabinet for consideration.

Спасти подполковника Путина

Андрей Пионтковский
Как уже докладывал своим постоянным читателям ваш покорный слуга, Четвертая мировая гибридная война православного "Русского мира" с декадентским Западом закончилась безусловной победой последнего. У спустившегося с Карпатских гор арийца c дополнительной хромосомой духовности реванша за проигранную Третью мировую (холодную) не получилось. Так же как и у другого арийца, не карпатского, а нордического происхождения, как-то не сложился реванш за Первую.
Война была объявлена 18 марта 2014 года в крымской речи, в которой Владимир Путин декларировал свои право и священную обязанность защищать в любой точке планеты не только граждан РФ, но и всех этнических русских, русскоговорящих, потомков граждан СССР и Российской империи. Даже самая скромная реализация этой духоподъемной повестки дня потребовала бы добровольно-принудительного изменения государственных границ по крайней мере двух стран – членов НАТО.

Basic indicators of social and economic development of Ukraine

January– June 2015
Growth rates, %
June 2015 to
January– June 2015 to January– June 2014
for reference:
 January– June 2014 to January– June 2013
May 2015
June 2014
Industrial output sold (goods, services)1, mln. UAH
Industrial production index
Agricultural output, mln. UAH
Agricultural production indeх