
Monday, July 8, 2024

The Face of Viktor Orban and Missile Attacks on Kyiv

The last few days have been marked by two stark images. The first is the frightened face of Viktor Orban during a joint press conference with Vladimir Putin in Moscow. A personal meeting with Putin appears to have helped Orban grasp an obvious truth that Frau Merkel was the first to comprehend, followed by Macron. Putin is a political maniac who has lost his sanity (an oxymoron, indeed). Similarly, modern Russia seems to be the former Soviet Union that has also gone mad.

Putin's fixation is Ukraine. His message to the Ukrainians through relentless missile attacks, including those targeting the capital, Kyiv, is either to surrender or face annihilation. Today’s attack, for instance, struck a children's hospital. In addition, the entrance to a residential building was destroyed. People are under rubble. Three people have already died today.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Kremlin's "PEACE" Operation: Smoke and Mirrors

 "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then sudden destruction will come upon them." The age-old warning seems eerily apt today as we witness another Kremlin special operation under the code name "PEACE" unfolding. With an air of orchestrated urgency, Kremlin-controlled media and politicians are clamoring about peace and security. Even Viktor Orbán, the enfant terrible of the European Union, finds himself shuttle-diplomating between Kyiv and Moscow.

At a recent joint conference in Moscow, Orbán, representing a NATO member country, practically genuflected before Vladimir Putin—a man internationally sought by the International Criminal Court. Is this a stark case of Hungarian realpolitik, or is Orbán acting as Putin's horse within the EU?

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Orban in Kyiv: Hungarian Pride or Prejudice

 Viktor Orban's visit to Kyiv comes at a critical juncture as Hungary prepares to take on the six-month presidency of the European Union. This visit is marked by discussions of a potential bilateral agreement between Hungary and Ukraine, an idea that, in itself, represents a significant challenge to Vladimir Putin. Yet, Orban’s political maneuvers reflect a complex interplay of loyalties and strategic interests.

Orban continues to support Russian foreign policy, effectively acting as a Trojan horse within the European Union. This dual allegiance raises questions about his deep-rooted ties to the Kremlin's crime-oligarchic network and the possibility that Putin possesses compromising information, compelling Orban to align with Russian interests. This duality raises questions about his longstanding integration into the Kremlin’s criminal-oligarchic network and the potential compromising material that Putin may hold over him, compelling Orban to act in accordance with Russian interests.