
Friday, November 30, 2018

Ukraine bars entry to Russian men of combat age, EU sees renewal of sanctions on Russia

KIEV/MOSCOW (Reuters) - Ukraine on Friday banned Russian men of combat age from entering the country, a move introduced under martial law after Russia fired on and captured three Ukrainian naval ships off Crimea last weekend.

Ukraine announced it was barring entry to Russian men between 16-60 years and a senior state security official said Kiev was considering whether to respond in kind with “mirror actions” to the Black Sea incident.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Immigration : l'Europe de l'Est refuse le modèle multiculturel

La fracture Est-Ouest sur la question migratoire semble s'être creusée au point de devenir une question existentielle.
La chute du mur de Berlin et leur entrée dans l'Union européenne devaient les transformer en frères jumeaux des États fondateurs, prêts à épouser sans ciller leurs choix politiques et leur vision de la société moderne. Du moins c'est ce que de nombreux responsables politiques ont longtemps cru et espéré dans la partie occidentale du continent. «Mais pour nous Hongrois, la dictature communiste est toujours une blessure douloureuse», rappelle Judit Varga, la secrétaire d'État aux Affaires européennes de Hongrie, dans un débat du Club Grande Europe sur «La fracture européenne Est-Ouest». 

Former Trump lawyer Cohen pleads guilty to lying to Congress

Brendan Pierson

NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s longtime personal lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty on Thursday to making false statements to Congress regarding a Trump Organization real estate project in Moscow, putting fresh pressure on the president.

Cohen entered the guilty plea in federal court in Manhattan to one count of making false statements to Congress in an investigation by lawmakers into whether Trump’s campaign worked with Russia to sway the election.

Smart Contract Developers - Beware and Lawyer Up!

Smart contracts, also referred to as chaincode in the Hyperledger world, are one of the most powerful aspects of blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). This “self-executing” code can receive various inputs and, based on “if-then” logic encoded therein, can take various actions and update the ledger state.
Based on recent actions by U.S. regulators, smart contract developers need to be aware of potential liabilities that they may face (beyond the usual issues with software development).

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Wave Of Disinformation From The Azov Sea

The main wave of disinformation narratives this week is unsurprisingly connected to the attack on Ukrainian ships near the Azov Sea. But let's not rush straight into the examples. Instead, let's filter them using the approach created by Ben Nimmo. According to him, Russian propaganda largely relies on four tactics: to distort, distract, dismiss and dismay.

After 4.5 Years of a Stalemated War, Ukraine Braces for a Full-On Russian Invasion

KYIV, Ukraine—Sunday’s Kerch Strait crisis underscored how quickly Russia’s simmering, 4.5-year-old, low-intensity war against Ukraine could escalate into a historic catastrophe.
“Yesterday we were close to war. In fact, war happened,” Capt. Andrii Ryzhenko, the Ukrainian navy’s deputy chief of staff for Euro-Atlantic integration, told The Daily Signal on Monday.

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the escalating tensions in the Azov Sea

The EU expresses its utmost concern about the dangerous increase of tensions in the Azov Sea and Kerch Strait in recent days which has led to the seizure of Ukrainian vessels and their crews by Russia and shots being fired at them, wounding several Ukrainian servicemen. We are dismayed at this use of force by Russia which, against the backdrop of increasing militarisation in the area, is unacceptable.
The European Union expects Russia to ensure unhindered and free passage through the Kerch strait to and from the Azov Sea, in accordance with international law. We call on all for utmost restraint to de-escalate the situation immediately. In this context, we also call strongly on Russia to release the captured vessels, their crew and equipment unconditionally and without delay.

'Turkey will not allow fait accompli in Syria'

Turkey will not allow a fait accompli in Syria but will use its right to self-defense, Turkey’s national security establishment warned on Nov. 27.
In a statement after meeting in the capital Ankara, the National Security Council said that Turkey has always supported Syria's territorial integrity and political unity and stressed that the biggest threat to a political solution in Syria is the terrorist presence east of the Euphrates River.
The statement also "strongly emphasized" that Turkey would not be indifferent to the terrorist PKK/PYD-YPG changing the demographic makeup in areas bordering Turkeythrough persecution and forced migration.

Putin accuses Ukraine leader of plotting naval clash to boost ratings

MOSCOW, (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday accused Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko of orchestrating a naval “provocation” in the Black Sea at the weekend in order to boost his flagging popularity ratings before an election next year.

Russia seized three Ukrainian naval vessels and their crews on Sunday over what it said was their illegal entry into Russian waters, something Ukraine denies.

The episode has raised fears in the West of a wider conflict between the two countries and Kiev has since introduced martial law in parts of the country, saying it fears a possible Russian invasion.

The interview: Ukrainian President on the introduction of martial law

President Petro Poroshenko in an interview to Ukrainian TV channels explained the need for the decision on the introduction of martial law in ten regions of Ukraine.
"The purpose of this martial law is to show that the enemy will pay a very high price if he decides to attack us and that it will be like a cold shower that will stop the insane who have plans to attack Ukraine. And if there is no aggression, consider that the goal of these actions has been achieved," Petro Poroshenko said.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate has dissolved the Archdiocese of Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe

From informed sources, we learned that the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate gathered today at the Phanar. 

They have just decided to dissolve the Archdiocese of the Russian Orthodox Churches in Western Europe by repealing the Patriarchal Tomos of 1999.

The official statement with the details to come up soon!


What You Need to Know About Contract Management Software and the Small Legal Team

From budgets to best practices, contract management software can help small legal teams do more with less, whether you're a team of one or full-roster. In fact, because contract management software takes away much of the drudgery involved with signing and executing contracts, upgrading your current system can have a positive “ripple effect” across your department and throughout your organization.
By better controlling and organizing your contracts, you and your team can track actions across departments, customize access, and monitor deadlines. With ‘Contract Management Software for the Small Legal Team: Why It’s Not Just for the Big Fish Anymore’, you’ll learn how contract management software has evolved and why today’s solutions include options that can fit every legal department’s need, regardless of size or complexity.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

EU experts comment on selection of judges in Ukraine

Experts from the EU Project "Pravo-Justice" as a result of an analysis of the selection and evaluation procedures of judges in Ukraine, which is carried out within the judicial reform by the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJ), have concluded that its discretion meets the procedural preventive measures.
“Since computers cannot make a final decision on who will be a good judge, we believe that certain discretion [the power of an official or government authority to make decisions on any issue as they wish] should be left to persons who are authorized to make decisions, for example, who are members of the HQCJ, and they should elect the best candidates for the post,” the press service of the High Qualification Commission of Judges of Ukraine (HQCJ) informed Ukrinform.

The Azov crisis will backfire

There are three inter-related reasons for the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict that became hot on Sunday (25 November) when a Russian naval ship rammed a Ukrainian tug boat, wounding Ukrainian sailors who were taken as prisoners, while Russia captured three Ukrainian vessels.
The first is the unresolved status of the Crimea, with the Azov Sea lying to its east, which Russia occupied in spring 2014.

May’s Brexit Worse for Economy Than EU Membership, Research Says

The Brexit deal negotiated by Prime Minister Theresa May will lower economic output over the coming decade compared with staying in the European Union, researchers said.

The deal would lower gross domestic product per capita by between 1.9 percent and 5.5 percent versusEU membership, said a team led by economist Jonathan Portes. Leaving without a deal could lower output per head as much as 8.7 percent.

Paul Manafort breached plea deal by repeatedly lying in Russia inquiry, Mueller says

Paul Manafort repeatedly lied to investigators even after agreeing to cooperate with the investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, the special counsel Robert Mueller said late on Monday.
Manafort, Donald Trump’s former campaign chairman, breached a plea agreement he signed in September by “lying to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the special counsel’s office on a variety of subject matters”, Mueller said in a court filing.

Statement by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine on the imposition of martial law

The decrees of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko  "On emergency measures to ensure state sovereignty and independence of Ukraine" and "On the imposition of martial law" currently do not impose restrictions on economic activity throughout Ukraine.
Economic entities and citizens can conduct economic operations as usual.
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade will promptly report about any changes in economic and international business activities.

Ukraine introduces martial law citing threat of Russian invasion

Andrew Osborn, Natalia Zinets

MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine on Monday imposed martial law for 30 days in parts of the country most vulnerable to an attack from Russia after President Petro Poroshenko warned of the “extremely serious” threat of a land invasion.

Poroshenko said martial law was necessary to bolster Ukraine’s defenses after Russia seized three Ukrainian naval ships and took their crew prisoner at the weekend.

U.S. President Donald Trump said he did not like what was happening between Russia and Ukraine and was working with European leaders on the situation.

Monday, November 26, 2018

The Problem With Smart Contracts

BAL Lawyers - Shaneel Parikh
Smart contracts—computer-encoded sets of instructions that ‘self-perform’ when certain pre-determined criteria are met—are poised to revolutionise the legal landscape in years to come.
In our first article in this series, we explained the basics of blockchain technology and its application in smart contracts. Far more than a fleeting or niche innovation, smart contracts may have applications in sectors as far reaching as financial services, supply chains, car sales importation, real estate and insurance. However, although they pose exciting opportunities for a great range of businesses, there may be some significant legal challenges on the horizon.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

President addressed the Verkhovna Rada with a proposal to introduce martial law in Ukraine

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine under the chairmanship of President Petro Poroshenko approved the decision to offer the President of Ukraine the introduction of martial law for a period of 60 days. The NSDC considers it necessary to introduce a special legal regime in Ukraine in order to create conditions for repelling armed aggression and ensuring national security, eliminating threats to independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
"We had a thorough discussion of the Military Cabinet. The Military Cabinet urged me to submit one proposal to the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council - to prepare a decision on the introduction of martial law and appeal to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine so that it reviews the draft decision at its extraordinary meeting as soon as possible. Relevant consultations with the Verkhovna Rada Chairman have already been held," the President said.

Пусть Путин, Лавров, Шойгу и Косачев не делают вид, что не читали этого договора

Борис Вишневский
Депутат Законодательного Собрания

Договор между Российской Федерацией и Украиной о сотрудничестве в использовании Азовского моря и Керченского пролива 
Керчь, 24 декабря 2003 года

Ратифицирован Федеральным законом РФ от 22 апреля 2004 года N 23-ФЗ
Российская Федерация и Украина, далее именуемые Сторонами,
руководствуясь отношениями дружбы и сотрудничества между народами России и Украины, исторически сложившимися братскими узами между ними;

Oleksandr Turchynov: At 24:00, the NSDC of Ukraine will consider the issue of declaring the state of martial law

Today, at 24.00, a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine will be held, at which the issue of declaring the state of martial law will be considered as proposed by the Military Cabinet.
This was stated by Secretary of the NSDC of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov after the meeting of the Military Cabinet due to the situation in the Kerch Strait and the attack on Ukrainian warships.
According to the NSDC Secretary, "having heard the report of the Chief of the General Staff and the Minister of Defense about the events in the Kerch Strait, the Military Cabinet stated that Russia's military's attack on the ships of the Ukrainian Naval Forces is nothing but an act of military aggression".
"It is proposed to hold a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine to declare the legal state of martial law. The NSDC meeting will be held today at 24:00", - Mr. Turchynov said.

Russia seizes Ukrainian ships near annexed Crimea after firing on them

Andrew Osborn, Pavel Polityuk

MOSCOW/KIEV (Reuters) - Russia seized three Ukrainian naval ships off the coast of Russia-annexed Crimea on Sunday after opening fire on them and wounding several sailors, a move that risks igniting a dangerous new crisis between the two countries.

Russia’s FSB security service said early on Monday its border patrol boats had seized the Ukrainian naval vessels in the Black Sea and used weapons to force them to stop, Russian news agencies reported.

The FSB said it had been forced to act because the ships — two small Ukrainian armored artillery vessels and a tug boat. — had illegally entered its territorial waters, attempted illegal actions, and ignored warnings to stop while maneuvering dangerously.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Week's balance: Rada passes 2019 Budget, discount air carriers announce expansion in Ukraine, while Poroshenko signs law on customs clearance of cars with EU plates

Oleksandr Kunitsky

After a sleepless night, on Friday morning, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the 2019 State Budget, paving the way for the new IMF program; the management of two major European low-cost air carriers announced their active business development in our country, while President Petro Poroshenko ignored the requirements of protesting drivers, having signed laws on new rules for customs clearance of imported vehicles.

People’s deputies, after a sleepless night from Thursday to Friday, adopted a government-proposed law on the state budget for 2019. For many years, the country saw its main financial dpcument signed somewhere around New Year, and sometimes the budget process continued into January. Now the tradition has been broken as the law was approved in terms established by the Budget Code. 

Historical responsibility for the Holodomor lies with the Russian Federation as the successor to the USSR — President

“Historical responsibility for the Holodomor lies with the Russian Federation as the successor to the USSR, and this crime has no limitations period,” President Petro Poroshenko noted in the course of the ceremony of honoring memory of the victims of the Holodomor of 1932-33.
"Russia again, like a hundred years ago, launched an aggression against Ukraine to bring it back to the empire. In the Kremlin, they again hate and fear a free European Ukraine. But I know for sure that they will no longer be able to turn the wheel of history back," Petro Poroshenko emphasized.

How to Set Up an AI R&D Lab

The moment a hyped-up new technology garners mainstream attention, many businesses will scramble to incorporate it into their enterprise. The majority of these trends will splutter and die out by Q4. Artificial intelligence (AI) is unlikely to be one of them.

Marking the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor

Press Statement
Heather Nauert
Washington, DC
November 23, 2018

This month we join Ukrainians around the world in marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, when millions of innocent Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by the regime of Josef Stalin. The Soviet Union’s barbaric seizure of Ukrainian land and crops was undertaken with the deliberate political goal of subjugating the Ukrainian people and nation. This catastrophic man-made famine was one of the most atrocious acts of the twentieth century and a brutal reminder of the crimes of communism.

Рахунок умовного зберігання (ескроу)

Цивільний кодекс України
Стаття 1076-1. Договір рахунка умовного зберігання (ескроу)
1. За договором рахунка умовного зберігання (ескроу) банк зобов’язується приймати та зараховувати на рахунок умовного зберігання (ескроу), відкритий клієнту (володільцю рахунка), грошові кошти, отримані від володільця рахунка та/або від третіх осіб, та перераховувати такі кошти особі (особам), вказаній володільцем рахунка (бенефіціару або бенефіціарам), або повернути такі кошти володільцю рахунка за настання підстав, передбачених договором рахунка умовного зберігання (ескроу).
2. Якщо інше не передбачено договором рахунка умовного зберігання (ескроу), банк має право використовувати грошові кошти на рахунку умовного зберігання (ескроу), гарантуючи вчасне перерахування таких коштів бенефіціару (бенефіціарам) або повернення таких коштів володільцю рахунка згідно з умовами договору рахунка умовного зберігання (ескроу).

Friday, November 23, 2018

President of Ukraine: The Crimean Peninsula will not become Russian due to the visits of the Russian president. Crimea is Ukraine

President Petro Poroshenko stresses that Russia's leadership violates international law by visiting the illegally annexed Crimea. "Of course, we are considering the actions of the Russian president as a brutal violation of international law," Petro Poroshenko said during the press conference with the President of Slovakia, answering the question about the arrival of Russian president Putin to Crimea.
"I instructed our Ministry of Foreign Affairs to respond accordingly to violations of international law," the Head of State said.

Poroshenko signs laws on customs clearance of cars with foreign registration

President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine has signed bills No 8487 and No 8488 on the customs clearance of cars with EU number plates.
The signed documents, in particular, specify that the fees received from the customs clearance of such cars will be used to cover the deficit of the Pension Fund so that pensions could be raised and those receiving minimum pensions would be able to continue to do so.

Н. В. Волк, О. П. Світличний Адміністративно-правове регулювання фармацевтичної діяльності в Україні: шляхи вдосконалення (монографія).

В монографії розкрито сучасний стан та основні напрями державного регулювання фармацевтичної діяльності в Україні. Пропонуються практичні рекомендації удосконалення органів публічної діяльності у фармацевтичній сфері.
Розрахована на науковців, працівників органів публічної влади, аспірантів, студентів юридичних факультетів вищих навчальних закладів.
Текст монографії ТУТ 

Counter Terrorism Police continue appeal over Salisbury suspects

Detectives investigating the Salisbury and Amesbury nerve agent incidents are releasing moving footage of the two suspects as they continue to appeal for information from the public.

CCTV footage of the two suspects – known by their aliases Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov – shows them as they arrive and travel around Salisbury on Sunday 4 March. 

Images of a specially made model of the counterfeit perfume bottle are also being issued as detectives from the Counter Terrorism Policing Network continue with their investigation.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Brexit Withdrawal Agreement: Overview and First Observations

Professor Steve Peers, University of Essex


The recently agreed Brexit withdrawal agreement may turn out to be dead on arrival, or at some point not long after. Nevertheless, if the agreement is ratified, it is the basis on which the UK would leave the EU – unless the two sides agree to amendments to the text.

Since the agreement is both complex and legalistic, but also the subject of intense political debate, there’s a need for a summary and explanation of the text for non-lawyers. This blog post aims to do that by outlining the structure of the agreement and the main content of each part of it in turn. It does not aim to be exhaustive, but only to give a broad indication of what the agreement entails.

Throughout the blog post, I’ve scattered the answers to ‘key questions’ which have been raised about what the withdrawal agreement does. Let’s start with this one:

Kyiv's court refuses to return Akhmetov's Ukrtelecom to state ownership

The State Property Fund accuses the buyer of the failure to fulfill its investment obligations estimated at US$450 million.

Kyiv's Economic Court has refused to satisfy the lawsuit lodged by the State Property Fund (SPF) against Ukrainian businessman Rinat Akhmetov's ESU company for termination of the contract for the sale of a 92.79% stake in Ukraine's telecoms giant Ukrtelecom and the recovery of US$81.9 million in penalty for late payment of the investment obligation.

Constitutional Court green-lights constitutional changes on NATO, EU course

The Constitutional Court of Ukraine (CCU) has declared a positive opinion on the constitutional request of the Verkhovna Rada on obtaining a conclusion on the compliance of the Constitution with the presidential bill on the course of Ukraine to NATO and the EU.
The text of the conclusion was posted on the website of the Constitutional Court on Thursday.
"Having considered at the plenary session the case on the constitutional request of the Verkhovna Rada on providing of an opinion on the compliance of the draft law on amending the Constitution of Ukraine ... the Constitutional Court of Ukraine concluded ... recognize the draft law relevant to Article 157 and Article 158 of the Constitution of Ukraine (on state's strategic course to receive full membership of Ukraine in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization) (register No. 9037)," the CCU's conclusion reads.

Drone Rules Likely Still Years Away, Dragging on Industry’s Growth

The Federal Aviation Administration is significantly behind earlier schedules for crafting airborne-identification rules for drones, causing industry officials to worry the delay could stymie their most ambitious plans for years.

Federal authorities and advocates of unmanned aircraft agree that reliable remote-tracking methods are essential for rapid industry growth, in areas ranging from package deliveries to expanded industrial uses and video applications. Such features, expected to be a combination of hardware and software,...


Cybersecurity tips for holiday online shopping

By Avvo
With the holiday season underway, retailers are offering motivated shoppers deals on electronics, toys, clothes, and other hot-ticket items. Shopping days like Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday have become like holidays themselves, with the National Retail Federation estimating that more than 164 million consumers will shop Thanksgiving weekend through Monday.
Due to increased opportunities and money being exchanged online, there are people who will try to take advantage of consumers. This season, shoppers are increasingly at risk for encountering phishing schemes, viruses, and malicious apps that can infect mobile devices and compromise sensitive data.

#DisinfoReview: Occupying The Information Space

“Nobody Asked Thou Occupation”, a protest sign says in an image. If you just have a quick look, it is hard to see where and when this photo was taken.

So it was a convenient way for the pro-Kremlin propagandists to illustrate articles about Norwegians allegedly protesting against a recent NATO exercise. The image illustrated stories in Georgian and Russian outlets in November.
But if you zoom in and pay attention to the tiny advertisement in the background, you will see three words in Polish: złoto, srebro, brylantyGold, silver, diamonds.

What Drives the Russian State

By Alexander Baunov
Mr. Baunov is a policy analyst and journalist.

To understand what makes Putin and his allies act the way they do, you need to look beyond the myths.

MOSCOW — Since Vladimir Putin came to power in 2000, analysis of Russia, both inside and outside the country, has largely focused on two interpretations of his regime. The first argues that Russia is a mafia state in which the main aim of the ruling elite is to steal money at home to conceal and spend abroad. The second states that Mr. Putin is a hostage of his own popularity and that whatever is done in or by Russia is done for the sake of his approval rating.
These theories provide a convenient framework for making sense of Russia; they are also tinged with moralism. For these reason, many politicians, analysts and scholars both in Russia and in the West have embraced them. But these explanations fundamentally clash with reality. To truly understand what motivates the Kremlin, we must see how the Kremlin itself undermines those myths.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Ukraine marks Day of Dignity and Freedom

Ukraine marks the Day of Dignity and Freedom every year on November 21, in accordance with a presidential decree of November 13, 2014.
The holiday was established in honor of the commencement on this day of two significant and fateful events in contemporary Ukrainian history - the 2004 Orange Revolution and the 2013 Revolution of Dignity.
The Day of Dignity and Freedom became a kind of successor to the Freedom Day holiday, which was celebrated in honor of the Orange Revolution on November 22 from 2005 to 2011 but was later canceled.

State of Connecticut recognizes Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide

The relevant statement was signed by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy.

The State of Connecticut has recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide.

"Today the State of Connecticut has recognized the Holodomor of 1932-1933 in Ukraine as genocide against the Ukrainian people. The relevant statement was signed by Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy," the Embassy of Ukraine in the USA wrote on Facebook. "Ukraine is grateful to the U.S. for solidarity in recognizing the Holodomor in Ukraine in 1932-1933 as an act of genocide against the Ukrainian people caused by the Soviet regime," reads the report.


У підручнику викладено нормативний навчальний курс для студентів юридичних спеціальностей з урахуванням внесених змін господарського процесуального законодавства. Опануванню студентами навчальної дисципліни сприятиме раціональна та науково обґрунтована структура підручника. У змісті підручника органічно поєднується теорія і практика господарського судочинства.
Підручник буде корисним для використання як в навчальному процесі при підготовці студентів, так і для науковців та практичних працівників.
Підручник ТУТ

8 Operating Agreement Tips For Funds Seeking Financing

Private equity and venture capital investment funds are increasingly interested in entering into credit facilities to provide these funds with short-term liquidity. These credit facilities will typically be structured as a capital call credit facility or a subscription credit facility in which the lender will agree to make loans available to the fund based on some percentage of the fund’s remaining uncalled capital (i.e., the amount of capital the fund can call from its investors). 

Although some of these facilities may be unsecured, most of them are usually secured either by a blanket lien or a limited lien on the proceeds of the fund’s capital calls, the right of the fund and its general partner or manager (managing entity) to call capital, and the fund’s investments. 

EBRD: Gearing up Ukraine’s transformation process

Conference in Kiev takes stock and sets new goals for administrative overhaul
Five years after the start of the events that changed the political course of Ukraine, reformers and main donors supporting the change process will gather in Kiev on Thursday to collectively reflect on the progress achieved to date and discuss ways to deepen the reforms towards a prosperous future.
Under the title “Leading through change: shaping Ukraine’s future”, professionals working as #ReformHeroes in Reform Support Teams will consider how to build on the early reform successes in order to improve the country’s economic and social development, based on good governance and effective and transparent public administration.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Bitcoin for payments a distant dream as usage dries up

Tom Wilson

LONDON (Reuters) - The use of bitcoin for commercial payments has dropped dramatically this year, even as the original digital coin starts to fulfill one of the basic features of any payment currency: stability.

The value of bitcoins handled by major payment processors shriveled nearly 80 percent in the year to September, data from blockchain researcher Chainalysis shows. That suggests the cryptocurrency is struggling to mature from speculative asset to a serious alternative to state-issued money.

Today the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission reached a political agreement on an EU framework for screening foreign direct investment.

The package agreed will ensure that the EU and its Member States are equipped to protect their essential interests while remaining one of the most open investment regimes in the world.

Openness to foreign direct investment is enshrined in the EU Treaties. Foreign direct investment fuels economic growth, innovation and employment. However, in some cases foreign investors might seek to acquire strategic assets that allow them to control or influence European enterprises the activities of which are critical for the security and public order in the EU and in its Member States.
Main features of the new European framework for screening of foreign direct investment:

Boiko, Loovochkin excluded from Opposition Bloc faction for betraying voters' interests — Vilkul

People's Deputies Yuriy Boiko and Serhiy Liovochkin have been excluded from the Opposition Bloc faction in the Verkhovna Rada because they betrayed their voters' interests, the faction's co-chairman Oleksandr Vilkul has said.
"Boiko and Liovochkin were excluded from our faction because they betrayed our voters' interests'," Vilkul told journalists in the parliament on November 20.
As was earlier reported, the Opposition Bloc faction on November 20 morning decided to exclude Boiko and Liovochkin from the faction.

Boiko announces creation of Opposition Platform — For Life parliamentary group

Yuriy Boiko, a co-chairman of the Opposition Bloc faction in the parliament, who had just been stripped of the membership of his faction, has said that he is going to create a new parliamentary group in the Verkhovna Rada.
"We are creating a new parliamentary group called 'The Opposition Platform — For Life'. The Opposition Bloc will stay in the past as we are moving forward, uniting the entire opposition. And such a parliamentary group will be created in the parliament soon," Boiko told reporters in the Verkhovna Rada on November 20.

TYME international payment system files lawsuit against NBU

The international payment system TYME has filed a lawsuit against the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) to invalidate the NBU's decision that cancelled its registration. The company demands the renewal of all the licenses and registration of the payment system and all its participants, according to the company's press service.

As reported, the National Bank made its decision based on information from the SBU Security Service of Ukraine. However, the company says, despite repeated requests, the regulator and the SBU did not provide it with the relevant information. The company believes that the actions by the SBU and the National Bank represented by NBU Governor Yakiv Smolii are not within the legal framework and are illegal in nature. 

The new Regional Department of Maritime Security will take greater control over the entire maritime border from Izmail to Mariupol - Ukrainian President

During the visit to the center of preparation of border guards, President Petro Poroshenko informed that Ukraine had been accumulating the respective component for the protection of its territory from the maritime invasion.
“By the end of the year, the new Regional Department of Maritime Security will have been deployed pursuant to my instruction. It will take greater control over the entire maritime border from Izmail to Mariupol,” the Head of State informed.