
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

UK, EU agree tentative Brexit deal on financial services: The Times

(Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May has struck a tentative deal with the European Union that would give UK financial services companies continued access to European markets after Brexit, the Times reported on Thursday.

British and European negotiators have reached tentative agreement on all aspects of a future partnership on services, as well as the exchange of data, the British newspaper reported, citing government sources.

The services deal would give UK companies access to European markets as long as British financial regulation remained broadly aligned with the EU’s, the Times reported.

Ukrainian president signs 'stop masks-show-2' law

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed the so-called "stop masks-show-2" law at a meeting with business representative in Kyiv.
"The law, with its conditional name 'stop masks-show-2,' simplifies bringing to account the investigator, the prosecutor, the law enforcement officer who made illegal decisions to open criminal proceedings and which were later canceled by the court. Simply speaking, the perpetrators will bear personal responsibility, including financial responsibility, for unlawful prosecution," the head of state said, signing the law.
He also urged the Verkhovna Rada to speed up the consideration of the bill on business ombudsman at second reading.

Guilty will bear personal responsibility, including material one, for the wrongful prosecution of business - Ukrainian President in a meeting with business

During a meeting with representatives of Ukrainian and foreign business, President Petro Poroshenko signed the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Improving Enforcement of Rights of Participants in Criminal Proceedings and Other Persons by Law Enforcement Bodies During the Pre-Trial Investigation".
"The law facilitates the mechanism of prosecution of the investigator or prosecutor, law enforcement officer who took an illegal decision during the investigation of a criminal case, which was subsequently canceled by the court. Speaking in plain language, for the wrongful prosecution of business, guilty will bear personal responsibility, including material one,” Petro Poroshenko said.

Взрыв в здании ФСБ в Архангельске

Террористом, подорвавшим бомбу в здании УФСБ в Архангельске, оказался 17-летний местный житель. Уголовное дело о теракте возбуждено по факту взрыва. Об этом сообщает Интерфакс со ссылкой на СКР.

Президенту России Владимиру Путину доложено о  взрыве на  входе в  здание УФСБ по Архангельской области, информация об исполнителе взрыва будет представлена по линии спецслужб, сообщил пресс-секретарь главы государства Дмитрий Песков.
За несколько минут до взрыва на проходной здании ФСБ в Архангельске было опубликовано предупреждение о теракте.Его разместил в открытом телеграм-канале «Речи бунтовщика» пользователь с  именем Валерьян Панов, — сообщает сайт Медиазона.

UK and Canada MPs unite to demand Mark Zuckerberg answers questions

Joint hearing will try to force Facebook chief to appear over Cambridge Analytica scandal

The UK and Canadian parliaments are joining forces in an attempt to force Mark Zuckerberg to answer their questions over Facebook’s role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
The House of Commons digital, culture, media and sport select committee has announced its intention to hold a highly unusual joint hearing with its Canadian equivalent in an attempt to pressure the social network’s chief executive into appearing in front of parliament.
The hearing, which the organisers have dubbed the “international grand committee on disinformation and fake news”, will be held in Westminster at the end of this month. Parliamentary select committees from around the world who have also failed to gain access to Zuckerberg are also invited to send representatives.

U.S. Supreme Court divided over Google privacy settlement

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Supreme Court justices, in an internet privacy case involving Google (GOOGL.O), disagreed on Wednesday over whether to rein in a form of settlement in class action lawsuits that awards money to charities and other third parties instead of to people affected by the alleged wrongdoing.

The $8.5 million Google settlement was challenged by an official at a Washington-based conservative think tank, and some of the court’s conservative justices during an hour of arguments in the case shared his concerns about potential abuses in these awards, including excessive fees going to plaintiffs’ lawyers.

UK government releases IoT security code of practice

Posted in Privacy & Data Protection
The UK government has launched a Code of Practice (CoP) for the Internet of Things (IoT) security. This is aimed at improving baseline security and ensuring that devices that process personal data are General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant, as well as advancing an industry-wide ‘security by design’ approach.
The CoP provides outcome-focused practical steps for IoT manufacturers and industry stakeholders to improve the security of their products. To achieve this, it has specifically identified thirteen guidelines that it considers essential to the safeguarding of IoT devices:

Cybersecurity: CF Disclosure Guidance: Topic No. 2

Date: October 13, 2011

Summary: This guidance provides the Division of Corporation Finance's views regarding disclosure obligations relating to cybersecurity risks and cyber incidents.
Supplementary Information: The statements in this CF Disclosure Guidance represent the views of the Division of Corporation Finance. This guidance is not a rule, regulation, or statement of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Further, the Commission has neither approved nor disapproved its content.


For a number of years, registrants have migrated toward increasing dependence on digital technologies to conduct their operations. As this dependence has increased, the risks to registrants associated with cybersecurity1 have also increased, resulting in more frequent and severe cyber incidents.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Herbert Sim in Ukraine: finding ways for disruptive cooperation

As part of his visit to Ukraine, Herbert R. Sim - Chief Commercial Officer of Cryptology Exchange, and Founder of Crypto Chain University, held a meeting with the scientists of the Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.   
On the part of the KNEU, the meeting was attended by Volodymyr Machuskyi (in the center), Deputy Head of the Foreign Languages Department of Institute of Law and Volodymyr Machuskyy (on right), professor  of Law Theory and History department of Institute of Law.   
The meeting raised issues of scientific legal support of blockchain technologies. The possibility of creating a "Legal Tech" department in KNEU was also discussed.

EU8 Joint Statement on Ukraine

Statement delivered by Ambassador Karen Pierce, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations on behalf of EU members of the Security Council.

I would like to make the following statement today on behalf of the five EU Members of the Security Council (France, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and the UK), and Italy, Belgium and Germany, as former and future EU Members of the Security Council, which demonstrates the continuity of the EU’s position on Ukraine.
We as Member States of the European Union fully support the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine within the internationally recognised borders.

ProZorro launches system of automated search for suspicious procurement deals

The ProZorro e-procurement system has launched a mechanism of risk indicators allowing the identification of violation in procurement without suspending the procurement process, Deputy Head of the State Audit Service of Ukraine Oleksandr Shkuropatov has said.
"The system has been operating for about a month and a half in the test mode. We will launch it this week in the full mode," he said at a press briefing in Kyiv on Tuesday.

Russian sanctions against Ukraine to affect 360 companies, over 50 individuals – source

Russian sanctions against Ukraine will affect 360 companies and more than 50 individuals. Russia's government is finalizing the resolution on the restrictive measures, a source in the government told the Russian news agency RIA Novosti. The source did not disclose the names of the Ukrainian citizens included in the sanctions list.

He noted that it would lead to "many interesting discoveries by citizens of Ukraine." Russian President Vladimir Putin is reported to have signed a decree on "special economic measures in connection with the unfriendly actions of Ukraine against citizens and legal entities of the Russian Federation."

Tips for a spooky, yet safe, Halloween

By Avvo

Halloween means ghoulish costumes, creepy jack-o-lanterns and a frightfully good time. As you get ready to take children trick-or-treating, or prepare to pass out candy, here are a few tips to make sure your night of spooky fun doesn’t turn into a nightmare.

Haunted houses

Many homeowners like to construct elaborate decorations around their homes for Halloween, but certain setups can create hazards. If you expect trick-or-treaters to be using your walkways, you should keep the walkways clear.

The Tesla Settlement – What It Means for Other Companies

By  on 
There have been plenty of press reports about the SEC’s settlement with Elon Musk arising from his tweeting about taking Tesla private.  But the concurrent settlement with Tesla itself provides interesting lessons for disclosure and governance at public companies.
Tesla agreed to pay a $20 million penalty and agreed to several “undertakings” to strengthen its governance and controls including a requirement that it add two independent directors to its Board.  And, under his own settlement, Musk agreed to step down for three years as chairman of the Board of Directors, although he is allowed to continue as CEO. 

Pot Entrepreneurs Target Investors in Hong Kong Where It’s Illegal

Seven years. That’s how much jail time you can get just for smoking marijuana in Hong Kong. But that doesn’t mean you can’t invest in it.

That’s the message from executives at some of the world’s hottest cannabis firms, who are gathering tomorrow at the city’s five-star W Hotel for a forum on investment opportunities in markets where it is legal.

Trump targets U.S. birthright citizenship as elections loom

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - With congressional elections a week away, President Donald Trump on Tuesday said he will seek to scrap the right of citizenship for U.S.-born children of non-citizens and illegal immigrants as he tries again to dramatically reshape immigration policies.

Reviving his support for a legally questionable theory, Trump told the Axios news website he would issue an executive order on so-called birthright citizenship, an issue that has long rankled some conservative Republicans.

Trump’s previous calls to end the practice have resonated with his political base, but moderate Republicans and some legal experts say Trump is running afoul of the U.S. Constitution.

Concord: The Easiest Way to Manage Contracts Across the Enterprise

Concord is built for “the doers”who struggle with manual contract tasks and fragmented contract processes. Bringing comprehensive contract lifecycle management onto one single platform, Concord accelerates winning agreements through automated compliance and process efficiency to drive growth and greater scalability.



UnitedLex is the leading enterprise legal services provider that drives digital transformation throughout the corporate legal ecosystem. With more than 2,700 attorneys, engineers, and consultants across four continents, we deploy innovative solutions to deliver unparalleled business impact for global corporations and law firms. United by an abiding commitment to strengthening our clients, we meld our passion and resources to their goals and aspirations - creating a standard of excellence otherwise unattainable.

Fintech in Mexico

What is the general state of fintech innovation in your jurisdiction, including any notable trends, innovations, innovators and future prospects?
The fintech industry in Mexico has grown in recent years. Entrepreneurs with in-depth understanding of technology have focused on providing a more user-friendly banking experience to the general public (ie, fewer onerous requirements and a more efficient operation than traditional financial institutions and models).
According to the Fintech Association of Mexico, as of 2017 there were between 250 and 300 Fintech companies operating in Mexico, reflecting its position as the leader of the industry in Latin America, ahead of even such major markets as Brazil.
The most popular activities for Mexican fintech companies are:

Monday, October 29, 2018

Poland and Greece still eye WWII billions from Germany

Poland and Germany have renewed calls for WWII reparations from Germany, testing European unity.
"Reparations are not a closed subject," Polish president Andrzej Duda said in an interview with Germany's Bild am Sonntag, out on Sunday (28 October).

Potential or lost souls?

At least 2.5 million Ukrainians live in the EU. A recent study looks at the motivations and expectations of the latest wave of Ukrainian emigration to France

“I have an impression that half of Prykarpattia’s working-age population is in France,” a friend says while browsing through the contacts on her smartphone. “Tania from Sniatyn picks up my kids from school, Liuda from Kolomyia cleans my windows, Khrystyna from Kalush does hair for my entire family, Oksana from Ivano-Frankivsk makes our birthday cakes…” 

Wealthier or poorer, Ukrainians abroad tend to go to other Ukrainians for services. Shared language, habits and unspoken rules make it easier for them to settle down in a foreign country. While some hardly ever go beyond the Ukrainian community, others try to get rooted abroad. Most Ukrainians of the latest wave of emigrants, the fifth one, never integrated into the French community. Fewer of them have become an equal part of it. 

Court obliges NABU to start investigation into misuse of funds by Yatsenyuk, Petrenko, and other Justice Ministry officials

The Solomiansky district court in Kyiv has issued an order to make the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) start a pretrial criminal investigation into the misuse of power and misuse of funds by the former Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Justice Minister Pavlo Petrenko, and a number of other officials of Ukraine's Justice Ministry.
The order was issued by the Solomiansky district court in Kyiv on October 17.

Ukraine and Moldova to integrate energy markets

Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova have declared their interest in creating an integrated energy market. The two countries have been working on further electricity market harmonisation since EU4Energy high-level policy talks were held in Lviv, Ukraine in July.
Currently, both countries are proactively engaged in the reform of wholesale electricity markets, working towards the establishment of Energy Community acquis rules, which will apply to cross-border electricity transactions in Moldova and Ukraine. The Energy Community, an international organisation aiming to unify EU member states and their neighbours in a single pan-European energy market, provides regular technical assistance to both countries, within the framework of the EU4Energy programme.

Fitch affirms Ukraine at "B-", outlook stable

Fitch Ratings has affirmed Ukraine's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at "B-" with a Stable Outlook. Ukraine's continued engagement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) should mitigate near-term financing risks given rising sovereign debt repayments starting 2019 and the 2019 elections, Fitch Ratings said.

Stand-By Arrangement (SBA) which replaces the March 2015 four-year Extended Fund Facility (EFF). The government obtained parliamentary approval for the 2019 budget (first reading) with a deficit target of 2.3% of GDP and raised household gas prices by 23%. Fitch expects the IMF's board to formally approve the programme after the final budget approval. Fitch also expects Ukraine's general government deficit to reach 2.5% in 2018.

First official U.S. trade mission arrived in Ukraine to search for interesting investment opportunities

On October 29,  First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine/Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv met with the First Official mission of the U.S. Department of Commerce which arrived in Ukraine to search for promising investment objects.
"Ukraine-U.S. trade is steadily growing - the turnover of goods in the 8 months of 2018 has already increased by 16% to $2.6 billion. The common interests are represented in agribusiness, energy, infrastructure, IT, industrial sectors. We also started the process of privatization under the new progressive legislation, which creates exceptional investment opportunities for American companies", Stepan Kubiv emphasized.
Stepan Kubiv added that American companies are already undertaking high business activities  in Ukraine and are reliable partners for Ukrainian business.

Russian disinformation on Facebook targeted Ukraine well before the 2016 U.S. election

By Dana Priest 
James Jacoby 
Anya Bourg
 In the spring of 2015, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was desperate for Mark Zuckerberg’s help. His government had been urging Facebook to stop the Kremlin’s spreading of misinformation on the social network to foment distrust in his new administration and to promote support of Russia’s invasion and occupation of parts of Ukraine.
To get Zuckerberg’s attention, the president posted a question for a town hall meeting at Facebook’s Silicon Valley headquarters. There, a moderator read it aloud.

End of era beckons as Merkel says will not stand again as chancellor

BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday she would not seek re-election as party chairwoman and that her fourth term as chancellor would be her last, heralding the end of a 13-year era in which she has dominated European politics.

Merkel, 64, has been chairwoman of her conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) since 2000 and chancellor since 2005. Her decision to step down as chairwoman comes after her party suffered its second regional election setback in as many weeks.

Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil's far-right president in his own words

Brazil’s new president is a far-right figurehead and ex-paratrooper known for lashing out at women, minorities, and indigenous groups

air Bolsonaro is a deeply polarising figure who rose from political irrelevance – and survived a near-fatal eve-of-election assassination attempt – to become the leader of Latin America’s biggest economy in little more than two years.
He has praised Pinochet, expressed support for torturers and called for political opponents to be shot, earning him the label of “the most misogynistic, hateful elected official in the democratic world”.
But he built a successful campaign on fear over rising violent crime, anger over repeated corruption scandals and an efficient social media operation.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

5 Key Questions to Ask Yourself if You Plan to Start a Business

Starting a business takes planning, making important financial decisions, and completing a series of legal activities. You will need to set goals, put plans into action, assess your progress, make necessary adjustments and grow your business.
There are plenty of things that every business needs to do to get off the ground. So, here are five key questions to ask yourself as you plan to start a business.
1) Do I have what it takes to make it as a business owner?
Before you start a business, you should be able to answer a few very important questions. What product or service are you offering? What makes your product or service different from everyone else? Who is your ideal customer? How does your product benefit them? Answering these key questions will help define your business identity.

4-nation summit in Istanbul aims to end Syria bloodshed

Leaders of Turkey, Russia, Germany  and France on Oct.27 expressed their determination to end bloodshed in war-torn Syria at the earliest.
Following a Syria summit in Istanbul, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan along with Russian President Vladimir Putin, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron held a joint news conference calling on the international community to work hand in hand for a sustainable solution in Syria.
"We have discussed a political solution in line with Syrian people's legitimate demands which moves to reach stability in the country," Erdoğan told reporters. 

Liberation Day (Ukraine)

The Liberation Day of Ukraine  is a holiday celebrated annually on October 28 in Ukraine. It commemorates the Liberation of Ukraine from Nazi Germany on October 28 1944.
The idea of making the national holiday was expressed by the then Minister of Economy of Ukraine Sergey Tigipko on October 15, 2009. Five days later, President Viktor Yushchenko signed a decree establishing the holiday. The first settlements in Eastern Ukraine were liberated by soviet troops in December 1942. Major battles for the liberation of the Ukrainian SSR lasted from January 1943 to the autumn of 1944. At this time, the half of Ukraine were in the hands of the Red Army. On August 23, 1943, the city of Kharkiv was liberated. On October 27, 1944, Uzhhorod was retaken from the Germans, and Soviet troops arrived at what would be the modern western border of Ukraine. 

Trump's America: The Truth about Our Nation's Great Comeback

No one understands the "Make America Great Again" effort with more insight and more experience than former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich helped President Ronald Reagan "Make America Great Again" in 1980. He authored the Contract with America and spearheaded the 1994 Republican Revolution that brought the House of Representatives under Republican control after 40 years. He knows what it is like to fight the Washington swamp and challenge the establishment - he has done it his entire career.

Now, the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Understanding Trump is back to illustrate how our nation's 45th President is leading our country's great comeback.


Anthropologists have found that we’re very motivated to divide into teams, and once on a team, we’ll work hard to degrade the other team. Over the smallest differences. For the smallest possible stakes. Even when we get no other benefit than thinking that we won something.
We spend a lot of time sorting people into buckets. We label them in order to treat them differently and establish expectations for how they’ll respond. Mostly to figure out which team they’re on. An email from a stranger causes us to spend some time guessing their status, gender and connection to us.
Which team?

5 Things to Know About Brazil’s Presidential Election on Sunday

Brazilians return to the polls Sunday in the second round of voting in a presidential election pitting right-wing congressman Jair Bolsonaro against Fernando Haddad, a former mayor of São Paulo who was handpicked by jailed former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to represent the left-wing Workers’ Party. Mr. Bolsonaro, whose chances have benefited from corruption scandals that engulfed the Workers’ Party, is heavily favored to win, with some polls showing support higher than 60% for the former army captain. Here are five things analysts say Brazilians can expect from a Bolsonaro administration.

Russia, Germany, France and Turkey call for lasting ceasefire, constitutional meeting for Syria

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - The leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Turkey stressed the importance on Saturday of a lasting ceasefire in Syria, and said a committee to create a new constitution should meet by the end of the year.

The leaders of the four countries gathered for a summit in Istanbul to discuss Syria, where violence this week in the last remaining major rebel stronghold has highlighted the fragility of a deal to avert a massive government offensive.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

OSCE reports 38 Russian trucks in Russian-occupied area of Ukraine

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine observed a convoy of trucks marked “Humanitarian Aid from the Russian Federation” heading west near Makiivka, a Russian-controlled area of Donetsk Oblast on the morning of Oct. 25. 
“The convoy consisted of 38 covered cargo trucks (28 with Russian Federation license plates and 10 with white-on-black plates), including 14 with ‘Humanitarian aid from the Russian Federation’ in Cyrillic written on them, and seven vehicles marked ‘MChS; with white-on-black plates (four covered cargo trucks, two cars and a minibus),” the SMM report says.

Week's balance: Heating season start, Putin's sanctions, and eurobonds worth $2 bln

Ukraine has attracted $2 billion, placing eurobonds with a 5- and 10-years' maturity period and a yield of 9% and 9.75%. The Russian leadership, besides shelling and shooting in Donbas, is now rattling other types of sabers – personal sanctions against Ukrainian politicians. Meanwhile, the decrease in temperature forced the authorities to greenlight the start of the heating season against the background of the gas price hike and new tariffs for heat and hot water.

Ukraine, Belarus sign readmission agreement, plan of consultations between foreign ministries for 2018-2019

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko welcomes the signing of an agreement on readmission between Ukraine and Belarus.
"Separately, I would like to thank for the signing of an agreement on readmission between Ukraine and Belarus. This will definitely help minimize the negative consequences caused by illegal migration and increase the effectiveness of the joint Ukrainian-Belarusian struggle against it," he said at the First Forum of the Regions of Ukraine and Belarus in Gomel on Friday.
According to the press service of the head of the Ukrainian state, the purpose of the readmission agreement is to create the legal grounds needed to establish and develop intergovernmental cooperation in the field of readmission of persons to minimize the negative consequences of illegal migration and improve the effectiveness of joint struggle against this phenomenon by improving the legal regulation of this activity.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Кадровая деградация: Противоестественная политическая система в России породила отрицательный отбор и постепенно становится её жертвой

«Это — не народ? Это хуже народа! Это лучшие люди города!»Исаак Шварц, «Дракон»

В России продолжается год национального позора. Каждый раз кажется, что дно достигнуто, и в этот момент нам нагло стучат снизу. Система государственной власти, основанная на лжи и насилии, возносит на свой верх, делает своим лицом людей, более похожих на чудовищ, чем на человеческие образы. Пародия стремительно движется к фейкам и вызывает смешанные чувства изумления, страха и брезгливости.

Начальник Росгвардии Золотов в отместку за публичное разоблачение госзакупок записывает анекдотическое по содержанию и стилю видеообращение, где обещает сделать из оппозиционного политика Алексея Навального «сочную отбивную» на некой «дуэли». Навальный в это время находится под арестом, ни услышать «золотые слова Золотова», ни ответить ему не может. Потом Навальный выходит, предлагает Золотову публичную дуэль в любом теле- или видеоформате, Золотов предсказуемо отказывается и говорит, что готов только к физическим упражнениям.

EU and China perform tricky diplomatic dance

Tricky diplomatic relations between China and the EU were on full display on Friday (26 October), as both lauded the defence of the global world order and international trade, but diverged on human rights.
Speaking at an event organised by the European Policy Centre, a think-tank, in Brussels, the two sides heaped praise on each other when it came to free trade, climate change, and the Iran nuclear deal.

Financial Implications of Winning the Lottery

On Tuesday, a lucky South Carolinian bought the winning ticket for the $1.5 billion Mega Millions jackpot. The winner might be dreaming about a private island and mega-yacht to rival Richard Branson’s, but they must also make some big financial decisions and understand certain tax implications of the win. Let’s look at what happens after a lottery win.
Lump Sum or Installment Payments?
The winner first needs to decide whether to take his or her winnings as a one-time lump sum or in installment payments paid out over three decades. Each choice has pros and cons. The lump sum would be a smaller total payout—in this case $878 million. It would incur the top federal tax rate of 37%, and the 7% state income tax that South Carolina imposes on its highest earners. These taxes would bring the lump sum to $492 million. On the other hand, after taxes, the installment payments—about $29 million annually made over 29 years—would total roughly $841 million. 

Meeting between the Presidents of Ukraine and Belarus was held in Gomel

In Gomel, the meeting between President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko took place in vis-a-vis format.
At the beginning of the talks, the Head of the Ukrainian State thanked for the initiative of holding the First Forum of Regions of Ukraine and Belarus and noted its effectiveness. In particular, according to the President, a number of agreements were already signed between the regions and several more documents are planned to be adopted.

What’s Artificial About Ethical AI In The Legal Industry? Everything.


With many companies and people around the world relying on artificial intelligence, considering the implications of how AI programs can act and affect outcomes (positively and negatively) is too important to avoid. And people, not technology, have the answers.

Discussions will continue what role ethics has in the deployment of AI, but some guidance already exists.
In 2017, the House of Lords in the United Kingdom appointed the Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. The role of members is to consider the economic, ethical and social implications of advances in artificial intelligence.