
Friday, March 16, 2018

The Ukrainian government is preparing a decision to terminate the program of economic cooperation with the Russian Federation - Prime Minister of Ukraine

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is preparing a decision to terminate the program of economic cooperation with the Russian Federation, approved during the presidency of Yanukovych, and will continue active sanctions policy against the aggressor. This was stated by Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groisman on the air of 112.UA TV channel.

"We are preparing a decision to terminate the program of economic cooperation. We will do everything for the aggressor country to pay a high price for its aggression," - the Head of Government stressed.

He drew attention to the fact that today Ukraine is reorienting the economy from East to West and other countries.

"It is difficult, difficult, but we are reorienting to the EU and other countries. It will be our advantage, - added Volodymyr Groisman. - We will restrict and eliminate cooperation with the aggressor. "

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