Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Russian media could almost be covering a different war in Syria

 in Moscow

While western media focuses on bombings and civilian deaths, reports within Russia are very selective and defensive of Kremlin

When warplanes bombed a hospital in rebel-held east Aleppo last week, causing rubble to fall on patients in the intensive care unit, the deaths of yet more innocent people made headlines in many countries.

But the airstrike was not on the news agenda in Russia, where the media focused on the Syrian government’s battle for the city, backed by Moscow. “The Syrian air force conducted massive strikes on militants near Aleppo,” read a headline from state news agency RIA Novosti.

The story was picked up by state news agency Tass and several other publications. Channel One reported that Russian soldiers had delivered humanitarian aid to “refugees from districts of Aleppo controlled by terrorists”.

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