
Monday, August 1, 2016

The launch of the Single Window is a vivid example of realization in Ukraine of best international practices

"From August 1 all controlling authorities and customs offices will join the Single Window electronic system which affords to significantly reduce the time for clearance process, minimize corruption and tighten control over work of customs officers. This is a vivid example of the implementation in Ukraine of best international practices", commented on the launch of the Single Window system in test mode Chairman of the SFS Roman Nasirov.

According to him, the Single Window initiative was called to integrate information systems of all the services. Now regulatory authorities are required to conduct work only through this system.

The Minister noted that the Single Window implies the implementation of all controlling procedures using IT-system at the customs. The officials of the controlling bodies will have an internet access to the database through a special web interface designed on the basis of relevant systems of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

"Thus, controlling services, physically located in different places, can share information that will be stored in a single database. Finally, there would be ensured effective coordination of activities of all services throughout the whole territory of Ukraine", said Roman Nasirov.

He accentuated that for businesses the application process will be greatly simplified. The time for controlling state authorities will be only 4 hours to decide on the respective type of control. In addition, enterprises prepare and submit the necessary documents only once in electronic form. The declarant can also report through the Single Window regulatory authorities about particular time and place of customs control procedure convenient to him.

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