
Friday, July 15, 2016

Agrarian Minister names state enterprises for privatization

Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy Taras Kutovyi has announced which state enterprises will be the first to be put up for sale.

"At least one important state-owned enterprise should be proposed in a memorandum for investors by the end of the year, and the proposal should  be submitted to the State Property Fund," Kutovyi said, in an interview with Novoye Vremya weekly. According to Kutovyi, among the first companies to be privatized are state enterprise Artyomsol and Ukrspirt, the State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine. "The latter has serious loan obligations to China, which in 2013 provided loans of $1.5 billion in exchange for grain supplies in the future. I have sent a letter to the Chinese side, inquiring if they were interested in participating in the contest on privatization of the State Food and Grain Corporation," Kutovyi said.

As UNIAN reported earlier, the State Property Fund of Ukraine plans to sell 450 state-owned entities in 2016, including 20 large enterprises, 50 medium-sized companies, and 380 small entities. Odesa Portside Chemical Plant is the first, and largest asset, on the privatization list. Plans call for a 99.6% state stake in the OPP to be sold at an auction scheduled for July 26. The offer price has been set at UAH 13.175 billion. As UNIAN reported earlier, the 2016 budget projects proceeds of UAH 17.1 billion from privatization of state enterprises.

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