
Friday, May 20, 2016

Petro Poroshenko at NSDC meeting: We begin real restructuring of defense and security sector to join NATO

The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine chaired by President Petro Poroshenko has considered the Strategic Defense Bulletin and the issues related with planning and implementation of the state defense order.

According to the Head of State, the Bulletin has been elaborated with participation of experts from NATO and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School. “Participation of experts from NATO and its member-states is natural and essential. The Strategic Defense Bulletin is a roadmap of security and defense reforms,” the President emphasized adding that the document concerned not only the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but also terms and specific tasks for complex reformation of security and defense sector.
“The given project is virtually the beginning of real restructuring of security and defense sector aimed at joining NATO. It doesn’t mean that the decision on the accession is being made now. Certainly, we remain in the sphere of our international commitments, but it is a milestone for our Armed Forces and national security and defense sector,” the Head of State noted.
According to the President, the defense and security reform must result in the creation of efficient, mobile, well-equipped and united defense forces on the model of 2020 that will meet the NATO standards and principles and will be able to defend the country.
The Head of State has also drew attention to the “Glossary” part of the Bulletin, which has a strategic and symbolic nature. Its main purpose is to adapt terms used in national legislation to the conceptual apparatus used in strategic documents of NATO.
“We have finally abandoned the system of the Soviet army and started to build truly efficient Armed Forces. It is very important for me, because it is the evidence that Ukraine and NATO speak the same language and understand each other well,” he stressed.
The Head of State has also emphasized that the democratic civil control over the security structures of the state would be enhanced: “It is a feature of a democratic state. After the restoration of Ukrainian sovereignty over the occupied territories, we will have an opportunity to discuss the issue of appointing a civilian to the post of Minister of Defense”.

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