Wednesday, April 6, 2016

New legislation will simplify registration of family farms

“Law of Ukraine No.1599 adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine will give a new impetus for the development of private initiatives in the rural areas. The Law deals with the provisions simplifying the procedures to transform private husbandries into family farms. This will definitely simplify the conditions for launching a personal agricultural business and will give a new imputes for the development of private initiative in rural areas”, Oleksii Pavlenko, the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, stressed.
According to the Minister, the implementation of the draft law will enable to authorize and bring the activity of personal farms back in the legal framework and to turn them to the organized agrarian market. In turn, it will affect the price policy and open new opportunity to receive support, including from foreign donors. 

“Moreover, the amendments made to the Laws of Ukraine “On Farming” and “On Private Farming” gave a powerful impetus for the development of cooperative movement in rural areas, as a key factor to ensure decent living standards in rural areas,”  the Minister stressed.
Oleksii Pavlenko stressed that family farms might hold a proper position on the domestic and foreign markets.
“Thus, we have made yet another step towards the increase of competitive ability of our farms, their strengthening, and further development”, Oleksii Pavlenko summed up.

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