
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Join Us in New Orleans for NFC Orientation

The National Finance Center is excited to announce that we are reinstating the NFC Orientation training. During this training, we will provide an introduction to the various NFC systems and support services that are utilized to accomplish human resource and payroll processing. Attendees for the Orientation will also have the opportunity to meet with key NFC personnel as they share information about the services provided by their organization.

As was done in the past, this training will be held at NFC in New Orleans, LA. The first session we will be offering is June 7-8, 2016. There is no fee to attend this training. However, attendees will be responsible for their own travel expenses. Although the target audience for the orientation is payroll and personnel office staff, participation is determined by each agency. To assist agencies in determining who should attend this session, please visit the NFC Orientation Event page.

To secure registration for this event, please submit your nominations using the NFC Orientation Event’s Registration page. Nominations will be accepted until the session is filled. However, registration must be completed no later than May 23, 2016. After registration has been confirmed, the attendee will receive an email from NFC providing all of the session information, as well as the lodging and transportation information to and from NFC. 

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