
Friday, November 27, 2015

Heads of both chambers of Dutch parliament assure Poroshenko of support of Ukraine' struggle for independence

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has had a meeting with President of the Senate of the Netherlands Anneke Broekers-Knol and President of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands Anouchka van Miltenburg during which they discussed the relations between the two countries.

Leaders of the Dutch parliament confirmed their willingness to back Ukraine in its fight against foreign aggression, the Ukrainian president's press service reported. They also noted the importance of preserving the policy of non-recognition of Russia's annexation of Crimea. "We fully support the Ukrainian people in their everyday struggle for independence," the Ukrainian president's press service quoted the president of the Dutch Senate as saying.

The Ukrainian president thanked the Dutch parliament for supporting the ratification of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and expressed the hope for the positive results of the Dutch consultative referendum on the Association Agreement that will be held on April 6, 2016. "Ukraine is returning to Europe. We are a nation with over a thousand years of European history," Poroshenko said.

The parties also stressed that the perpetrators of the MH-17 tragedy should be punished.

In addition, the Ukrainian president emphasized the importance of strengthening inter-parliamentary relations.

The three officials also discussed other issues on bilateral cooperation.

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