
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ukraine in European Dialogue: Junior Visiting Fellowships

2016 — Call for Application

This junior fellowship program aims to support the research of Ukrainian scholars who are completing or have recently completed doctoral studies in a Ukrainian institution of higher education. It offers access to the resources of the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna to younger researchers who have demonstrated exceptional talent to allow them to work on a research project of their own choice. The fellowships are open to all academic disciplines in the social sciences (including history). Research proposals related to one of the Institute’s main research fields are strongly encouraged (for details see 

Candidates for the fellowship 
- must be Ukrainian citizens 
- must be enrolled in a doctoral program at a Ukrainian institution of higher education or have recently obtained a Ph.D. 
- must not be older than 35 years Senior Visiting Fellowships in this program are granted by invitation only. 

The candidates selected will be invited to spend January to June 2016 at the IWM to pursue their research projects. Junior Visiting Fellows will receive a stipend of EUR 1,800 per month to cover accommodation, living expenses, travel, health insurance and any incidental costs related to their stay in Vienna. In addition, the IWM provides fellows with a personal office, including access to internet, in-house research and administrative facilities as well as other services free of charge. 

Applications have to be submitted using the online application form and should include: 
- a project proposal in English (max. 3 double-spaced pages) 
- a curriculum vitae in English (max. 2 double-spaced pages) 
- a list of publications 
- two letters of recommendation by scholars familiar with the applicant’s academic work 

Application Deadline 
 September 28, 2015 
Further Details and Online Application: 

The finalists will be selected by a jury of experts. Applicants will be notified of the jury’s decision in autumn 2015. The jury is not required to publicly justify its decisions. 

About the IWM 
The Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna is an intellectually and politically independent institute for advanced study in the humanities and social sciences. Since its foundation in 1982, the Institute has promoted intellectual exchange between East and West, academia and society, and a variety of disciplines and schools of thought. The IWM is an international community of scholars consisting of Permanent Fellows, Visiting Fellows and Guests. During each year, the IWM hosts about sixty researchers, journalists and translators. Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen Spittelauer Lände 3, 1090 Vienna, Austria Phone:+43/1/313 58-0, Fax +43/1/313 58-60,

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