
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine is the leader in fulfilling Government’s Action program

According to 9 months of work, the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has the first place among other ministries and agencies in the reform implementation process. This is shown by indicators in a separate section of the Government portal, where every ministry reports on its implementation of the Cabinet of Ministers’ action program in real-time.

According to present results, the Ministry of Justice has the largest number of accomplished assignments – 62%, among those being performed – 32,5% and among planned – 4,8%. And there is not a single assignment the Ministry would not perform.

We would like to remind you that during Government’s report, the Cabinet of Ministers launched a separate section of the portal ( with data on state of implementation of government’s reform program. Every ministry had its own section with assignments, which had to be performed by the ministry with relevant implementation stages that are daily added on the website.

In this way every citizen can monitor ministries’ work in real-time using inforgraphics.

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