
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Constitutional Commission

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed a Decree on the establishment of the Constitutional Commission, which will elaborate amendments to the Main Law.

The commission is being established to elaborate proposals on the improvement of the Ukrainian Constitution taking into account modern challenges and needs of the Ukrainian society. Representatives of various political forces, national and international experts, as well as the public will be involved in this work.

"A new, very important phase of constitutional reform begins with the signature of this Decree," Petro Poroshenko said signing the document. He has assured that as President, he would fully facilitate the involvement of the best experts and the most prominent politicians in this process.

"I have no doubt that the decision to enhance the judicial power and its independence, the decision on anti-corruption steps must be accompanied by a very important component - local government reform and decentralization reform," the Head of State has noted.

The President called the beginning of the constitutional reform a very lasting, important and necessary process. "We must preserve unity and integrity of Ukraine. We should leave no chances to those who wanted the so-called federalization, which is in fact the split of Ukraine," he said.

"It is also necessary for politicians and me, as President, to fulfill our promises and commitments on power decentralization," Petro Poroshenko said adding that local authorities would have not only additional powers, but also additional responsibility.

The Decree enters into force since the day of its publication.

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